Appointment Dates
Summer 2025 Registration Schedule:
- March 10, 2025 (Monday):
Priority Registration
Cohorts: ACE, Athletes, Macaulay, SEEK, Student Services, Veterans. - March 11, 2025 (Tuesday):
Early Registration
Groups: Other priority students, Seniors, and Departmental Registration - March 12, 2025 (Wednesday):
Seniors and Graduate Degree-Seeking Students - March 13, 2025 (Thursday):
Juniors and Second-Degree Students - March 17, 2025 (Monday):
Sophomores - March 18, 2025 (Tuesday):
Freshmen - March 19, 2025 (Wednesday):
New Students (including Freshman Transfers and Non-Degree Visiting Students)
Fall 2025 Registration Schedule:
- April 22, 2025 (Tuesday):
Priority Registration
Cohorts: ACE, Athletes, Macaulay, SEEK, Student Services, Veterans. - April 23, 2025 (Wednesday):
Early Registration
Groups: Other priority students, Seniors, and Departmental Registration - April 24, 2025 (Thursday):
Seniors and Graduate Degree-Seeking Students - April 28, 2025 (Monday):
Juniors and Second-Degree Students - April 29, 2025 (Tuesday):
Sophomores - April 30, 2025 (Wednesday):
Freshmen - May 1, 2025 (Thursday):
New Students (including Freshman Transfers and Non-Degree Visiting Students)
Registration dates are assigned based on class standing.
Upper Freshman | 15–29.5 |
Lower Sophomore | 30–44.5 |
Upper Sophomore | 45–59.5 |
Lower Junior | 60–74.5 |
Upper Junior | 75–89.5 |
Lower Senior |
90–104.5 |
Upper Senior | 105 or more |
Registration FAQs
How do I find classes to register for?
Classes at Queens College, and throughout the CUNY campuses, can be found using the Global Search Tool.
How do I find out when I can register?
A “How to” on when you can start registering for a semester can be viewed here.
How do I register for a course in CUNYfirst?
A “How to” on how to register for classes can be found here.
When my classes are completed, how do I see my grades?
A “How to” on how to see your grades can be found here.
Waitlist - FAQs for Students
Q: What is a waitlist?
A: A waitlist is a feature for course registration at Queens College. If a class is full, you can add yourself to the waitlist on CUNYfirst. When a seat becomes available, the system will automatically enroll students from the waitlist in order.
Q: How do I know if a class has a waitlist?
A: When searching for classes, make sure the “Show Open Classes Only” box is unchecked. Classes with a waitlist have a yellow triangle icon on the right-hand side and can be added to your shopping cart.
Q: How do I get onto a waitlist?
A: Follow the same steps as enrolling in an open course. Before adding the class to your shopping cart, check the “Wait List if Class is Full” box. This checkbox is small, so look carefully!
Q: What if I’m on a waitlist and the semester is about to start?
A: Remove yourself from waitlists for classes you no longer wish to add. The waitlist feature will be turned off on the first day of classes. After that, waitlists will no longer determine enrollment priority. Monitor class availability and request enrollment during late registration.
Q: How can I use the waitlist if I’m in one class but prefer another?
A: Use the Swap feature in CUNYfirst. Choose the class you’re currently enrolled in under “Swap this Class” and the class you want under “With this Class.” Be sure to check the “Wait List if Class is Full” box. If a seat becomes available, the system will enroll you in your preferred class and drop the original one, ensuring you don’t lose your spot.
Q: I’m on the waitlist. Now what?
A: You won’t be notified when enrolled from the waitlist, so check your CUNYfirst account regularly. The system automatically enrolls students from the waitlist when a seat opens up. No other students can jump ahead of you on the waitlist.
Q: Will I be notified when I am auto-enrolled from the waitlist?
A: No formal notification is sent. You’ll need to check your CUNYfirst account to see if you’ve been enrolled.
Q: What are the chances of being auto-enrolled from the waitlist?
A: There’s no guarantee you’ll be enrolled if no one drops the class you want. It’s a good idea to have a backup plan.
Q: How do I know my position on the waitlist?
A: The system shows your position when you first join the waitlist, but you won’t be able to view it afterward.
Q: Can I waitlist for more than one section of the same course?
A: If you’re already enrolled in one section, use the Swap feature to waitlist for a different section that better fits your schedule. Remember, you can only waitlist for up to 9 credits.
Q: How do I remove myself from a waitlist?
A: Drop the course from the waitlist the same way you would drop any regular class on CUNYfirst.
Q: Will I be charged tuition for being on a waitlist?
A: No, you won’t be charged while on the waitlist. However, you’ll need to pay tuition and fees for any courses you are auto-enrolled in, so check your CUNYfirst account frequently to avoid missing payment deadlines.
Q: Why can’t I waitlist for a class?
A: Not all classes have a waitlist. For example, cross-listed courses or those with co-requisites are not eligible. You also can’t waitlist if:
• You lack the prerequisite or corequisite courses or meet specific restrictions (e.g., major, standing).
• You have a negative service indicator (hold) on your account.
• It is not yet your enrollment appointment time.
• You’re already at the 9-credit waitlist limit.
• You’re already enrolled in the course but are not using the Swap feature.
Q: Why am I not being auto enrolled from the waitlist?
A: You won’t be auto enrolled if:
• The class conflicts with another on your schedule.
• Enrolling would exceed your credit limit.
• You’re already enrolled in another section of the same course.
• Reserved seats are allocated for a specific group of students.
• You have a hold on your account.
• You lack the prerequisite or meet specific restrictions.
Schedule Builder
Schedule Builder is a tool that allows students to plan their class schedule and register for classes for the upcoming semester. With this tool, students can arrange selected courses into conflict-free timetable options, making it easier to see what available options best fits into their personal and academic lives.
Scheduler Builder is available in your CUNYfirst Student Center.
Visit CUNY’s Schedule Builder FAQ Guide for additional information.
Global Search – Class Schedule
Global Search finds courses across the University using filters such as college, semester, subject area, time, and online/in-person delivery.
Students can also use Global Search to find courses with specific attributes, such as courses affiliated with a particular program like ASAP or College Now, or courses with Zero Textbook Cost, or courses that fulfill Major Gateway requirements. Use the “Course Attribute” and “Course Attribute Value” search fields to explore these and other options. Questions about course options and availability should be directed to your academic advisor.