Bomb Threat
- Notify Public Safety:
- Campus phones: exts. 75911 / 75912
- Emergency Blue Phones: Push call button
- All Other Phones: 718-997-5911 / 5912
- When reporting a bomb threat phone call:
- Provide your name, location, telephone number.
- Tell Public Safety Dispatcher exactly what the caller said.
- If you receive a bomb threat phone call:
- Keep the caller on the phone as long as possible.
- Write down as much information as possible.
- Do not rely on memory.
- Ask the Caller:
- When is the bomb going off?
- Where is it located?
- What does it look like?
- What will cause it to explode?
- Did you place the bomb?
- How many bombs were placed?
- Why was the bomb placed at the given location(s)?
- What is your name?
- What is your address?
- Listen for and try to detect:
- age of caller
- gender of caller
- ethnicity of caller
- any unusual voice or speech characteristics
- exact wording of threat
- background noises
- language ability of caller
- Evacuating:
- If ordered to evacuate, carefully follow directions (page 16 of the Emergency Guide).
- Be Alert:
- Report any unusual items you see, as bombers may leave explosive devices along the evacuation path.
- Notify NYC Fire Department: Dial 911
- Notify Public Safety:
- Campus Phones: exts. 75911 / 75912
- Emergency Blue Phones: Push call button
- All Other Phones: 718-997-5911 / 5912
- When reporting a fire or explosion:
- Provide your name, location, telephone number.
- Provide location of fire/explosion.
- Provide number of people trapped.
- Provide number of people injured.
- Protect Yourself and Others:
- If you are on fire:
- Stop, drop, and roll!
- If someone else is on fire:
- Make them drop and roll! Cover them with a fire blanket, if one is available!
- If you or others are in a smoke-filled environment:
- Stay low and go!
- Evacuate using the nearest exit.
- Do not use an elevator unless instructed to do so by emergency response personnel.
- If you are on fire:
- If using a fire extinguisher, be sure it is correct type for the kind of fire you are attempting to extinguish.
- Never attempt to put out a fire with your back to a wall.
- Always leave a way out for yourself.
- A fire can double in size every thirty seconds. Speed is essential.
- Locate and learn how to use fire extinguishers and fire blankets.
- Learn evacuation routes.
- Practice exiting your area by imagining you are in a smoke-filled environment.
Gun Fire
- Notify NYC Police Department: Dial 911
- Notify Public Safety:
- Campus Phones: exts. 75911 / 75912
- Emergency Blue Phones: Push call button
- All Other Phones: 718-997-5911 / 5912
- When Reporting Any Incident Involving Firearms and Shots Fired:
- Immediately call 911 (NYPD) and QC Public Safety.
- Provide your name, location, telephone number.
- Explain situation in detail, including any known injuries.
- Describe shooter(s)* and weapon(s)** to dispatcher.
- Provide last known location of shooter.
- If Shooter is Inside and You Cannot Escape:
- Shelter yourself and others:
- Lock the door.
- Get out of view:
- Find cover under a desk or other large piece of furniture.
- Do not hide near windows.
- Be very quiet, listen. Play dead if there are multiple victims.
- Call 911, if able to safely do so.
- If Shooter is Outside:
- Seek cover behind a solid barrier such as a stone wall, thick tree, or car engine compartment.
- If you decide to escape, do not run in a straight line, run in a zig-zag fashion.
- Shelter yourself and others:
- If possible, try to provide a description of the shooter(s)* including:
- hair color
- complexion
- height
- weight
- gender
- general build
- facial hair
- markings (tattoos, piercings, scars)
- shirt color
- pants color
- footwear, hat
- Gunfire:
- If possible, try to provide a description of the weapon(s)** including:
- How many weapons do you see?
- What type of weapons do you see?
- How many shots did you hear?
- Is the shooter carrying ammunition?
- Has the shooter made any statements?
- If possible, try to provide a description of the weapon(s)** including:
Hazardous Material Incident
- When reporting a hazardous material incident:
- Provide your name, location, telephone number.
- Provide exact location (building, room number) of hazardous
material. - Give the exact name of the hazardous material and spell it out,
since many chemical names sound similar. - Indicate whether you need medical attention.
- Protect yourself and others:
- Evacuate/clear area using the NEAREST EXIT.
- Do not attempt to clean up the spill.
- Close all doors in order to isolate the area.
- Do not use an elevator unless instructed to do so by
emergency response personnel. - If a hazardous material has spilled on you, immediately wash it off
using large amounts of water, only! (QC labs are equipped with
emergency showers and eyewashes, as well as spill containment
materials.) - You and those around you may be contaminated. If so, decontamination
may be necessary to protect yourself and the lives of friends and family. - If you suspect contamination, do not leave the site until you are cleared by emergency response personnel.
- Know the location(s) of the emergency shower(s) before
working with hazardous materials. - Do not hesitate to contact the Public Safety Dispatcher in the event
that you come across any type of suspicious material or substance.
- Know the location(s) of the emergency shower(s) before
Hurricane Preparedness
- Up-to-date reports provided by the NYC Office of Emergency management will be distributed by the
Queens College Department of Public Safety. - Before Leaving Campus:
- Turn off and unplug all electrical equipment.
- Where possible, move computers, fax machines, printers, and other equipment away from windows.
- Back up essential data files and documents.
- Clear desk surfaces.
- Secure or remove personal items.
- Cover your computer with plastic.
- Close window blinds or shades.
- Close and lock all doors.
- In any type of emergency, always assist those with disabilities. (See page 19 of the Emergency Response Guide.)
- For Updates Once You Have Left Campus:
- Check local television, radio, and online news sources.
- Call Queens College’s main number 718-997-5000 and/or Public Safety 718-997-5911 / 5912.
- Check your email.
- Check your office voicemail at 718-997-4997.
- Check the Queens College and/or CUNY website.
- In the event that your work area sustains significant damage, be prepared for the possibility that you may need to temporarily relocate to a location away from the Queens College campus.
Fumes, Vapors, Gas Leaks
- Notify Public Safety:
- Campus Phones: exts. 75911/ 75912
- Emergency Blue Phones: Push call button
- Other Phones: 718-997-5911/ 5912
- When Reporting an Unusual Odor or Fumes:
- Provide your name, location, telephone number.
- Provide location of suspected source of odor/fumes.
- Should you feel the need to evacuate, do not hesitate and use the nearest exit.
- If possible, avoid using elevators.
- Any spark may cause an ignition leading to an explosion.
- Do not pull fire alarms if you detect gas.
- Do not use light switches or switches on electrical devices.
- Do not use cell phones or two-way radios.
- Do not use lighters or burners of any kind.
- You may be quickly overcome by fumes, so prompt evacuation is imperative.
- Some dangerous gases have no odor. Don’t let your safety be controlled by your sense of smell.
- Under no circumstances should you enter a room or area from which a strong odor or vapor is being emitted.
- The more quickly information is passed on to the Public Safety Dispatcher, the sooner the situation can be assessed and communicated to the proper emergency response personnel.
Power Outage, Water Leak
- Notify Public Safety:
- Campus Phones: exts. 75911 / 75912
- Emergency Blue Phones: Push call button
- Other Phones: 718-997-5912 / 5911
- When Reporting a Power Outage or Water Leak:
- Provide location of incident.
- Report any noises or occurrences that happened before the incident.
- Be Prepared:
- Keep a flashlight handy.
- Know how to locate the nearest exit.
- If a leak threatens your work area, move items off the floor.
- NEVER touch fallen electrical lines or exposed electrical wiring.
- If a hazard exists, evacuation may be the next step and announcements regarding building closures will be made as deemed necessary by campus officials.
Person(s) Trapped in Elevator
- If trapped, use elevator’s emergency phone or intercom.
- Notify Public Safety:
- Campus Phones: exts. 75911/ 75912
- Emergency Blue Phones: Push call button
- Other Phones: 718-997-5911/ 5912
- When Trapped and/or Reporting Person(s) Trapped in an Elevator:
- Give the location of the elevator, i.e., building and floor.
- When known, give the number of people trapped.
- Report any injuries/medical conditions.
- Report any noises or occurrences that happened before the event.
- DO NOT attempt to exit the elevator if doors should open between floors.
- Be Prepared:
- In each elevator you use, locate the STOP button and the emergency telephone.
Campus Evacuation/Closure
- In the event of a college-wide evacuation and closure,
the campus will be evacuated systematically following
standard mass evacuation procedures and all official
guidelines and protocols. - You must evacuate an area when ordered to do so. This may be in response to the activation of an audible/visible fire alarm and/or verbal orders from
campus police and/or other emergency response
personnel. - Evacuation Procedures:
- Organize the people in your room or work area.
- Count the number of people present.
- If not directed to a specific location, designate a gathering point in case members of your group get separated during evacuation.
- Leave the building using the nearest safe exit.
- Do not use elevators unless told to do so by emergency response personnel.
- When you reach your designated gathering point, again count the number of people in your group.
- Keep all people together while waiting outside.
- If someone is missing, report your room number and names of missing individuals to emergency response personnel.
- Re-enter the building only when advised to do so by police or emergency response team members.
- Follow directions carefully: Evacuation techniques are carefully selected keeping safety in mind. Hazards may exist that you are not aware of.
- If you are given a specific evacuation route, carefully follow it to avoid walking or driving into a toxic spill, fire, or other life-threatening situation.
- Do not use personal vehicles to exit campus unless ordered to do so by police or other emergency response personnel.
- If a person insists on leaving campus without authorization, notify police or emergency response team members at scene.
Shelter in Place/Lockdown
- A shelter-in-place/lockdown condition occurs when
the outside environment is not safe to enter due to
atmospheric contamination or a threat from a human
perpetrator. - All people on campus must remain inside and be
prepared to stay inside until the the outside area is
determined to be safe. - If a toxic environment exists outside, the HVAC system
will be turned off and buildings will be sealed. No matter how physically or emotionally uncomfortable you may become, you must not open a door or window. This may jeopardize the lives of everyone! - You Will be Alerted and Receive Information via One or More of the Following:
- Telephone/Voicemail/Email
- CUNY Alert
- Campus Police
- Emergency Response Personnel
- Family and friends may learn of the situation from news reports.
- Advise them how to reach the college for information.
- Main QC Number: 718-997-5000
- Department of Public Safety (24 hours): 718-997-5911 / 5912
- Campus officials will be in contact with news media and will keep campus personnel informed.
- If possible, keep non-perishable food and water in your office or workspace.
- Have additional prescription medications available.
- Keep a battery-powered radio on hand.
- Keep a flashlight with fresh batteries near your desk.
- Keep a cell phone charger at work.
- Consult with your family to develop an Emergency Response Plan so everyone knows what to do in the event of a major crisis. This applies to students as well.
Medical Emergency
- Notify Public Safety:
- Campus phones: exts. 75911 / 75912
- Emergency Blue Phones: Push call button
- Other phones: 718-997-5911 / 5912
- Notify NYC Emergency Medical Services (EMS): Dial 911
- Reporting a Medical Emergency on Campus:
- Call Public Safety and/or 911 and state: “This is a medical emergency.”
- It is particularly important to notify Public Safety of medical emergencies since they can expedite the arrival of EMS personnel by providing directions as well as an escort to the scene of the emergency.
- Public Safety officers can render assistance until EMS arrives. They are trained and equipped to provide basic first aid and, if warranted, application of CPR and a defibrillator. All campus buildings contain at least one AED (automatic external defibrillator) unit.
- Be Prepared to Provide the Following:
- Location of the emergency
- Number you are calling from
- Type of medical emergency
- Answers to the following questions:
- Is the victim conscious?
- Is the victim breathing?
- Is the victim bleeding?
- How many victims are involved?
- Do not hang up until instructed to do so by Public Safety or 911 dispatcher.
- Do not move victim unless he/she is in imminent danger.
- Move harmful objects away from someone having a seizure.
- Do not give the victim anything to eat or drink.
- Try to keep the victim calm and assure him/her that help is on the way.
- Comply with all instructions given by emergency response personnel.
Vehicular Accident Involving College Vehicle(s)
- Notify Public Safety:
- Campus Phones: exts. 75911 / 75912
- Emergency Blue Phones: Push call button
- Other Phones: 718-997-5911 / 5912
- If Involved in an Accident with a College-Owned Vehicle:
- Provide Police/Public Safety Dispatcher location of accident.
- Provide your name and number you’re calling from.
- Provide a thorough description of the incident to assure appropriate resources are dispatched.
- Don’t move victim(s) unless there is a threat of fire, explosion or other extreme risk to the victim.
- Be Prepared To:
- Tell responding officers what occurred.
- Present your driver’s license, insurance, and registration cards to the police.
- Request copy of Police Accident Report for the college.
- File incident report with the Office of Public Safety
- Notify Public Safety:
- Campus Phones: exts. 75911 / 75912
- Emergency Blue Phones: Push call button
- Other Phones: 718-997-5911 / 5912
- When Reporting Any Incident Involving a Physical Confrontation or Violent Act:
- Provide name, location, telephone number.
- Explain the situation to the Public Safety Dispatcher in detail.
- Report any injuries.
- Pay Close Attention to:
- How many people are involved?
- Do you see any weapons?
- Do you know any of the participants?
- Describe Participants by Noting:
- gender
- complexion
- height, weight
- hair color
- general build
- facial hair
- markings (tattoos, piercing, scars)
- clothing type, color
- footwear type, color
- If Someone is Fleeing the Scene, Note:
- What direction?
- If in a vehicle, what make, model, color, license plate number?
- Are there any passengers?
- Remember that weapons may be involved!
- Help steer bystanders away from possible danger, but do not attempt to separate fighting participants or mediate the situation by yourself.
Psychological Crisis/Suicide Threat
- Notify Public Safety:
- Campus Phones: exts. 75911 / 75912
- Emergency Blue Phones: Push call button
- Other Phones: 718-997-5912 / 5911
- Notify Psychological Counseling Center:
- Campus Phones: ext. 75420
- Other Phones: 718-997-5420
- When Reporting a Psychological Crisis or Suicide Attempt and/or Threat:
- Provide your name, location, telephone number.
- Explain the situation to the Public Safety Dispatcher in detail.
- If you cannot leave the person unattended, send someone else to make the notification.
- Indicate if person is armed and, if so, describe the weapon.
- Take all suicidal comments very seriously.
- Assuming the person is only seeking attention is a very serious and potentially disastrous error.
- If you believe that a student, employee or visitor is suicidal immediately report the matter to the Office of Public Safety and/or the Psychological Counseling Center.
- Do your best to make the person feel safe and/or keep them safe until trained personnel have been notified and/or have arrived.
- Try not to act shocked. The person is already highly distressed, and if you act shocked by what is said, the person may become more distressed.
- Continue to talk to them as long as there is no imminent threat to you, but get help immediately.
- Keep your own safety in mind. A student may not intend to harm you, but it can happen due to emotional distress.
Disabled Persons Evacuation Procedures
- Each semester, the Public Safety Department is advised of the schedules of those individuals who use wheelchairs or have other mobility constraints in order to be prepared to offer timely assistance in the event of evacuation of an area or building.
- During an emergency evacuation, assistance from other members of the college community may be needed to assist disabled individuals.
- Leave the building via the NEAREST SAFE exit possible.
- Never use an elevator in a building involved in a fire unless specifically directed by emergency response personnel.
- Seek assistance, if needed, in accompanying the disabled individual(s) to a safe location.
Reporting an Emergency/Receiving Emergency Information
- Notify Public Safety:
- Campus Phones: exts. 75911 / 75912
- Emergency Blue Phones: Push call button
- Other Phones: 718-997-5911 / 5912
- To Report an Emergency:
- Call Public Safety and state, “This is an emergency.”
- Give nature and location of emergency.
- Give number you are calling from.
- Unless there is an immediate threat to you, do not hang up until instructed to do so.
- If the situation warrants, Public Safety will summon the appropriate emergency responder and provide assistance until the responder arrives.
- NOTE: This does not preclude your calling 911, but because they are unfamiliar with names and locations of campus buildings, emergency responders will first go to the Kissena Blvd. Public Safety office to notify Public Safety of their presence and gain their assistance. Failure to notify Public Safety will result in delays in responding.
- In the Event of an Emergency:
- You will be alerted and provided with additional information by one or more of the following:
- telephone / voicemail / email
- CUNY Alert
- campus police
- emergency response team members
- You will be alerted and provided with additional information by one or more of the following:
- In any type of emergency, always assist those with disabilities.
Emergency Contact Numbers & Emergency Blue Phones
- Office of Public Safety: 718-997-5911 / 5912
- On campus phones: Dial extensions 75911 or 75912
- Emergency Blue Phones: Emergency blue phones provide immediate contact with Public Safety by simply pushing the call button. They are strategically placed throughout campus.
Locations include pedestrian walkways, parking lots, and campus tunnels. - Other Campus Emergency Contacts:
- Environmental Health and Safety – (718) 997-2881
- Buildings and Grounds – (718) 997-3520
- Health Service Center – (718) 997-2760
- Psychological Counseling Center – (718) 997-5420
- Off Campus Assistance Numbers:
- NYC Police, Fire, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) – 911
- 107th Precinct (71-01 Parsons Blvd, Flushing) – (718) 969-5100
- Engine 299-Ladder 152 (61-20 Utopia Pkwy, Fresh Meadows) – (718) 476-6299
- NYC Poison Control Center – (212) POISONS or (212) 764-7667
- NYC Government Information – 311