The COACHE Survey
In 2023, Queens College has partnered with the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) to survey our faculty about satisfaction across many areas of faculty life including teaching, scholarship, service, academic leadership, governance, and work-life balance. The faculty and administration will use these results to focus a directed effort to improve life for our community.

Read the Recommendations of the COACHE Working Group
In late 2023 and early 2024, the COACHE Working Group determined eight focus areas from the COACHE survey results and developed initiatives to address the issues that were brought up. These initiatives were shared with faculty in a follow-up survey in February 2024. The results of this survey were used by the Working Group to develop a list of recommendations that was submitted to Provost Price and President Wu in Spring 2024.
A Focus on Faculty with Campuswide Implications
The COACHE Survey is one way for faculty to have a voice in how Queens College can be a better place to work.
The COACHE Survey was last administered in 2015 and 2019. Initiatives that came out of the process in the past are the Provost’s Faculty Fellows Program to provide leadership professional development on campus, the introduction of competitive Research Enhancement awards to serve as seed and supplemental funding for faculty research, and the introduction of campus-wide trainings by administrators (such as Budget 101) to inform faculty about the inner workings of various college processes.
In this cycle, COACHE survey data will be more widely available to the campus community and faculty will be leading the Campus Working Group to directly impact the types of initiatives that result from the survey. The Working Group will be charged with developing Action Items across the community—for Faculty, Departments, Administration, and CUNY Central—so that faculty concerns are not simply heard, but also acted upon to improve working conditions for all.
The COACHE survey will be re-administered in 2027 to determine if progress is being made in addressing faculty satisfaction.
Survey Results
Here is a three-page summary of the Key Takeaways from the COACHE Survey.
Members of the Queens College Community can access the Full COACHE Survey Results.
(Access information was provided in the email announcing the survey results sent to all faculty.)
Campus Working Group
The COACHE Working Group is a faculty-led committee tasked with bringing attention to the main concerns faculty have and proposing ways to improve upon those concerns. The group is made up of faculty from every Academic School and includes voices from people in all parts of their careers.
The faculty members of the Working Group are:
Daisuke Akiba, Associate Professor in EECE
Claudia Calì, Assistant Professor in Music
Theresa Gurl, Professor in SEYS
Alwin Harahap, Lecturer in English
Delaram Kahrobaei, Professor in Computer Science
Adam Kapelner, Associate Professor in Mathematics
Kristine Rosales, Lecturer in Sociology
Dean Savage, Professor Emeritus in Sociology
To ensure that the committee’s proposals are part of a partnership with the academic administration, the committee also includes:
Maria DeLongoria, Associate Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs,
Lizandra Friedland, Associate Director for Survey Research and Assessment, and
Christopher Hanusa, Professor of Mathematics and Faculty Liaison for Evaluation and Assessment.
