Sample letter to candidates for promotion to associate professor who are not recommended by the department P&B
Dear _____________________:
After review of your record and all materials provided, I regret to inform you that, at this time, the Department P&B will not recommend you for promotion to Associate Professor. You may appeal this decision, in writing, to the dean of the division, by ____.
If you appeal, the dean will inform the department. The department will arrange to prepare the appropriate Forms of Cover Page, Departmental Report, Candidates CV, Teaching/Student Evaluations, Workload , and Personal Statement with the cover page marked “Appeal,” and forward these, as well as your personal file and whatever supporting materials you wish to have considered, to the dean for consideration in the subsequent review steps. As with candidates recommended by the department, please inspect these materials to make sure they are complete. As described in the Procedures for Promotion, you are not permitted to see materials associated with the known formerly as “Form A”, including the cover page, the P&B report, the chair’s report, and the letters from external reviewers.
Sample letter to candidates for promotion to full professor who are not recommended by the department P&B
Dear _____________________:
After review of your record and all materials provided, I regret to inform you that, at this time, the Department P&B will not recommend you for promotion to Full Professor. You may request that you nonetheless be considered for promotion by writing to the dean of the division by _______________.
If you make this request, the dean will inform the department. The department will arrange to prepare the appropriate Forms of Cover Page, Departmental Report, Candidates CV, Teaching/Student Evaluations, Workload , and Personal Statement, marked Without Department Affirmative Recommendation, “WDAR,” and forward these, as well as your personal file and whatever supporting materials you wish to have considered, to the dean for consideration in subsequent review steps. As with candidates recommended by the department, please inspect these materials to make sure they are complete. As described in the Procedures for Promotion, you are not permitted to see materials associated with known formerly as “Form A”, including the cover page, the P&B report, the chair’s report, and the letters from external reviewers.