From Dennis Torres, Associate Director of Veteran and Military Support Services and ROTC Liaison:
Queens College supports students called to U.S. military duty during their college careers, ensuring they can maintain and resume their studies seamlessly.
To remain informed and prepared in case students who are servicemembers (inactive ready reserve, active duty, current reservists, or National Guard) receive activation alerts, please review the following key points:
- Grades: If students receive personal activation orders for deployment (overseas, stateside, or base training) after the term’s drop deadline but have completed at least 13 weeks of the semester, they may be granted the grade they earned up to the point of activation.
- Coursework: Students can arrange with their instructors to make up missed coursework.
- Incomplete Grades: Professors can grant students an “Incomplete” grade as they strive to complete the work they missed. Refer to the school’s policy regarding incomplete grades to understand how the grade will apply if students are unable to catch up on the material.
- Graduation Consideration: If students are graduating at the time of activation, the designated authority or graduation auditor (Registrar) at their school may grant up to 12 credits from their Joint Services Transcript (JST) as military elective credit to help them meet their graduation requirements. Please consult individual CUNY colleges and degree programs to inquire about specific required courses per degree.
For further details on CUNY’s policy regarding returning from or leaving for active duty, please refer to the CUNY Activation/Deployment Policy.
We also follow the US Department of Veterans Affairs Principles of Excellence which ensure that educational institutions serving service members, veterans, spouses, and other family members allow active-duty service members and reservists to take time off to fulfill their service obligations.
We encourage all members of the Queens College community to share this information with faculty, staff, and students.
If you have any questions, please contact Thank you for your attention to this important matter.