Charge of the Queens College Assessment Council: 

The Queens College Assessment Council supports academic excellence across campus by setting and coordinating the vision for academic assessment at Queens College; supporting assessment practice in a collaborative, considerate, and generous manner; providing a forum for assessment discussion; and increasing the visibility of assessment on campus, in a cross-disciplinary committee with broad representation from the College community.

The Queens College Assessment Council is charged to meet monthly to:

  • Review department Assessment Progress Reports to determine the support, guidance, and professional development needed on campus.
  • Review department Implementation Plans (from Academic Program Review), providing feedback to the department about their plan’s feasibility in terms of scope, interdependent parties, and resources (broadly construed) and providing a recommendation to the Dean before final approval.
  • Provide feedback to the QC General Education Committee on their Assessment Plans.
  • Coordinate an annual Assessment Showcase to serve as a forum to highlight departmental assessment prowess and encourage cross-disciplinary assessment discussions.
  • Publish and publicize to the campus a semesterly report highlighting examples of assessment practice and campus-wide progress towards assessment benchmarks.
  • Ensure the collection and organization of assessment-related materials in support of institutional accreditation.

Membership, 2024-2025:

  1. Rebekah Chow, Associate Provost of Institutional Effectiveness
  2. Christopher Hanusa, Faculty Liaison for Evaluation and Assessment
  3. Lizandra Friedland, Associate Director of Survey Research and Assessment
  4. Amy Wan, Special Assistant to the Provost on Writing
  5. Soniya Munshi, Director, CETLL
  6. Sonia Rodrigues, Director of Assessment and Accreditation, School of Education
  7. Sara Hinojos, Assessment Coordinator, School of Arts and Humanities
  8. Tina Pagano, Assessment Coordinator, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  9. Vikki Terrile, Assessment Coordinator, School of Social Sciences
  10. Head of the Queens College General Education Committee

Learn more about the role of the Assessment Coordinator.