Foundational Maker Programming Professional Development Sessions
NYSCI staff will provide a series of three 6-hour professional development sessions for each Faculty Fellows co- hort, on the pedagogy behind the Maker Movement and best practices in integrated making curriculum design and facilitation. Sessions will take place at QC to allow Faculty Fellows to prototype and explore activities using the makerspace that will be available to them throughout the semester. NYSCI Maker Space Observation and Co-Facilitation. Following the foundational workshops, partici- pants will observe and serve as co-facilitators in NYSCI’s Maker Space, selecting from a calendar of programs that include community-focused after school initiatives and K-12 school workshops.
Curriculum Making Professional Development Sessions
In a series of four 2-hour sessions, QC staff will facilitate Faculty Fellows in developing their course, focus- ing on crafting student learning outcomes and developing appropriate assessment techniques.
Curriculum Feedback Professional Development Sessions
Throughout the course design process, NYSCI staff will provide feedback sessions to help faculty iterate on and refine their curriculum. These sessions will complement curriculum support provided by QC.
Teaching Support
Working with the QC Center for Teaching and Learning, QC staff will provide pedagogical support to Faculty Fellows through two 2-hour sessions each semester. The sessions will emphasize interdependent learning in the context of hands-on making and designing thinking activities. Sessions will also provide course-specific instruction in crafting student learning outcomes and appropriate assessment techniques. A special series of supplemental ses- sions led by faculty with expertise in augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) will expose Faculty Fellows to AR/VR applications and the methods for integrating them into their courses.
Extension Professional Development and Coaching Sessions
After Faculty Fellows begin implementing the integrated courses they have designed, NYSCI staff will provide a series of ex- tension professional learning opportunities, customized to respond to Faculty Fellows’ experiences in facilitating the courses with the goal of supporting reflection and curriculum improvement. Depending on the interests and needs of participants, these extensions may take the form of professional development workshops or individualized coaching or co-facilitation sessions followed by instructional conversations.

Participating Departments



Computer Science

Environmental Science

