Queens College Library Logo
Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library


Who Can Visit the Library 

Library access is limited to currently enrolled CUNY students, faculty and staff with valid CUNY IDs. Patrons from Empire State University with valid school IDs also have access.

Access is also extended to Queens College alumni members who meet the necessary requirements. (See the “Alumni, Friends, Visitors” section down below.)

These rules are in effect to provide a safe and healthy campus environment for our community. Please be respectful of our Public Safety staff when they are assisting you as you enter campus. Thank you for your cooperation. 

General Entry 

Queens College students, faculty and staff require a valid QCard ID for general library entry by tapping into the library turnstiles. Follow the college’s FAQ page under the “QCards” section for information on how to receive your QCard. 


Please visit the QC Makerspace for guidance on hours and access.

Alumni, Friends, Visitors  

Queens College Alumni members require the following to be able to visit the library:

  • A valid up-to-date QC Alumni Card. Please contact the Office of Alumni Relations department at alumni@qc.cuny.edu or 718-997-3930 for details on how to receive a card.
  • A physical photo ID (driver’s license, state ID, etc.)

QC Alumni must present their Alumni Card and photo ID to Public Safety located at the front of the library entrance for access.

Access for Friends of the Library and other visitors outside of the Queens College community is currently suspended until further notice.

Enrolled CUNY, Not Attending Queens College

Currently enrolled CUNY students, faculty, and staff NOT attending Queens College require their valid CUNY campus ID card to present to Public Safety at the library’s front desk entrance to gain access

Empire State University

Currently enrolled students, staff, and faculty from Empire State require a valid ID card from their home school to present to the front desk entrance for access.

Government Documents Viewing

Government Documents may be viewed by making an appointment with the Library. So that we can assist you in finding the Depository items you need, please call the Borrowing Desk ahead of time at (718) 997-3702, or email at qc_ask_circ@qc.cuny.edu

Visiting the Campus 

To learn more about visiting the campus, go to the Visit QC.