Queens College Library Logo
Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library


The Library provides numerous services to assist students and faculty in their work. Many services involve Borrowing traditional materials, such as books, from the QC libraries, other CUNY libraries, or from libraries around the country through Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad).

A full range of Computing options are available including laptops for loan, wireless Internet access, and standard pc workstations with Office applications.

Queens College is committed to ensuring full access for all library patrons. If you have a disability and require assistance accessing library materials, please go to the Borrowing Desk at the main entrance on Level 3.

Services to Students with Disabilities

The Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library, completed in 1988, is an architecturally barrier-free facility: rampways, quad handled doors, and punch-pad doors at each ground-level public entry promote easy access to the building. Elevators to all levels and wide main aisles give access to all six floors. Wheelchair accessible rest rooms and water fountains further facilitate full use of the building for all patrons.

The library houses an assistive technology workstation equipped with Zoomtext, Freedom Scientific Jaws, Microsoft Office, Kurzweil 3000, Adobe Acrobat Reader, SPSS, and TextHelp, and also two Optelec readers for the visually impaired. The equipment is installed in the Library Media Center, Room 101, adjacent to the elevator bank on Level 1. The library also provides eight (8) wheelchair-accessible workstations in the Library Computer Commons on Level 2.

When necessary, materials may be paged from the main floor Borrowing desk. The Queens College Libraries cooperate closely with the campus Office of Special Services for Students with Disabilities. Individual tours can be arranged for students registered with this Office. It can be reached at 718.997.5870 or by email: QC_SPSV@qc.cuny.edu

Asking for Help

If the answer to your question is not listed below, then please use the following to ask for help:

Questions About Library Services

How do I login with my laptop?
You need a wireless card to connect to the campus network and the Internet, and a QC computer account to access library resources. For more information, please visit “Accounts & Access” or “QC Wireless“.
How do I get a Blackboard account?
Go to the The BlackBoard Course Management System.
Do you have scanners?
Library scanners are located on Levels 2 and 3.
What is the CUNY portal?
The CUNY portal is a gateway to all things CUNY: College websites, information about applying to CUNY, registering for classes, events, campus directories, etc. For more information visit the CUNY portal site.
Where is the Bookstore?
The Queens College Bookstore is only accessible online.

Library Policies

Food Policy: No Eating or Drinking

No food policy icon No food or drink allowed in the Library by users, except water in re-sealable bottles.

Library Administration reserves the right to accommodate food and drink for staff offices and scheduled events.

Quiet Study Zones

Library levels 4, 5, and 6 are designated for Quiet Study. No talking is allowed on these floors, neither in open areas nor inside study carrels.

Group Study Zones

Library levels 3 (Main floor), 2, and 1 are designated for Group Study and collaboration.  Talking on these floors is permitted.

Power Cords and Safety

Do not lay power cords across walkways or doorways when using or charging portable computing/electronic devices.

Cell Phone Use

Cell phone use is permitted on Group Study floors 3, 2, and 1. There is no cell phone sound (talking, audio, etc.) on Quiet Study floors 4, 5, and 6.

Help Make the Library Work for Everyone
  • Be considerate of your fellow students by following our policies for Quiet Study and Group Study zones in the Library
  • Respect Library spaces and dispose of trash properly
  • Report to the Borrowing Desk on Level 3 any spaces that need cleaning or repair
  • Comply with instructions from Library and Public Safety personnel

Thank you for helping make the Library a cleaner, safer, and better place for everyone to study and work!