Queens College Library Logo
Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library

Off-Campus / Remote Access

All Queens College students, staff, and faculty have access to the library’s electronic resources off-campus. To use databases and electronic resources while off-campus you must verify affiliation with Queens College when prompted.

To access the library’s electronic resources, and your account, you will need to log in with your CUNY Login Credentials. Your CUNY Login credentials follow the pattern: Firstname.LastnameNN@login.cuny.edu, where “NN” is the last 2+ digits of your CUNY EMPLID.

When you select a resource from OneSearch or the A-Z Database Page, if you’re off-campus/remote, you will first see the following login page:

Off-Campus Proxy Login Screen

Then automatically be redirected to the following:

CUNY Remote Access Login Screen

Activate Credentials

If you have not yet activated your credentials, you can do so on the Activate CUNY Login page.

Forgot CUNY Login

If you forgot your CUNY Login credentials and need to reset either your username or password, please visit the CUNY Login Account Service page.

For more information about your CUNY Login Credentials, please visit the CUNY Login FAQ.
