NOTE: Queens College Libraries are not currently accepting new donations of materials or processing new Friends of the Library memberships.
The Library welcomes financial donations, which can be made at the Borrowing Desk or online. Those who donate $50 or more receive borrowing privileges for six months. Please contact the Borrowing Desk for details.
For information on endowments, bequests, and naming opportunities, please contact the Queens College Foundation, or call 718-997-3920.
Those with books to donate may wish to contact these organizations:
Your Local Library:
Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Queens College Libraries sponsors cultural events for the QC community and raises funds for the Queens College Library.
Past events have honored a wide range of musical, cultural, and literary figures, including Tennessee Williams, Bessie Smith, Mozart, Rogers and Hammerstein, William Faulkner, and George Balanchine.
Over the years the Friends have provided endowments to the Library and funded a variety of special projects, from textbooks and computers to the preservation of historic materials, like the Ford Theatre playbill from the night of President Lincoln’s assassination, and the Hallum will of 1759. Membership is open to all at two levels:
- Life: $500 (includes continuing library borrowing privileges)
- Patron: $50 (includes 6 months of library borrowing privileges)
Membership forms are available at the Rosenthal Library Borrowing desk.