People walking inside Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library.

Student Services

The Office of Information Technology is committed to providing technology tools and resources to ensure student success and well-being. Take advantage of the numerous resources and services offered.

Semester Student SupportStudent Resources

Student Resources

CUNYfirst Account Information

All students must claim their CUNYfirst account in order to register for classes, view and pay their bills, check final grades, sign up for CUNY A!ert, Use Blackboard, Degreeworks as well as other services. Once your account is activated, be sure to save your CUNYfirst Username and your 8 digit CUNYfirst Empl ID in a safe location.

Claim your account your CUNYfirst account by clicking here.

Related Links:

Not finding what you are looking for? View more of our CUNYfirst student solutions, by clicking here.

CAMS (QC Username) Account Information

All students entering Queens College must claim their CAMS (QC Username) account. Your QC Username (CAMS) account allows you to access campus computers, Wi-Fi on campus (QWi-Fi), QC Mobile Print (QPrint), MyQC, obtain your QCard (College ID card), online parking applications and access other college web applications. Your Pin# for CAMS is the last six digits of your CUNYfirst Empl ID.

Claim your account your CAMS (QC Username) account by clicking here.

Related Links:

Not finding what you are looking for? View more of our student solutions, by clicking here.

Activate Your Qmail (Queens College Student Email Account)

Your Queens College Student email account is “Qmail.” The sign-in format for Qmail is: (please note this username is the same username as your CUNYfirst account, however, it has a different extension at the end –; CUNYfirst uses: as the extension).

Your password is the same password as CUNYfirst.

To confirm access to your Queens College student email (  please follow this link to log in now, then send an email from that account (the recipient can be your own personal account). 

Note: You must enter “” after your CUNYfirst user ID in order to log in. 

Related Links:

Not finding what you are looking for? View more of our student solutions, by clicking here.


Brightspace from D2L is a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) that runs blended and fully online courses. It comprises three integrated platforms: learning environment, learning repository, and ePortfolio.

Click here to log in to Brightspace.

Related Links:

Not finding what you are looking for? View more of our Brightspace student solutions, by clicking here.

QCard (the official ID of Queens College) Information
The new QCard—Queens College ID card—provides instant identification for members of the QC community and serves as a key card at buildings with secured doors. Every QC student and employee must have a QCard. The QCard must be carried at all times and presented to a Public Safety Officer or College Official upon request. To obtain a QCard, you must have a CAMS (College Account Management System) account. If you do not have one, visit

For more QCard information, please visit the QCard webpage by clicking here

Related Links:

Not finding what you are looking for? View more of our student solutions, by clicking here.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Information

Multi-factor authentication is a simple way of protecting Queens College email accounts by requiring email users to provide more than just their username and password when attempting to log in.

Multi-factor authentication adds a second layer of protection that requires our email users to prove their identity before granting access to their email accounts.

Related Links:

CUNY Alert

CUNY Alert is the University emergency notification system that allows you to receive text, email, and/or voice alerts of emergencies or weather-related closings on your campus. All CUNY students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the CUNY Alert system. By signing into CUNYfirst, you can choose your campus or office locations, phone numbers for voice and text messages, and/or email addresses for emergency notifications delivered directly to you. Visit the CUNY Alert website for more information. 

Access DegreeWorks & Facts

Degreeworks is web-based planning tool to help students and advisors monitor student’s progress towards their degree completion.

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FAQ / Helpful Links.

Not finding what you are looking for? View more of our student solutions, by clicking here.