Accounts & Access.



All students must claim their CUNYfirst account in order to register for classes, view and pay their bills, check final grades, sign up for CUNY A!ert, Use Blackboard, Degreeworks as well as other services. Once your account is activated, be sure to save your CUNYfirst Username and your 8 digit CUNYfirst Empl ID in a safe location.

If you have not done so, claim your account now.

Faculty & Staff:

All faculty & staff must claim their CUNYfirst account in order to view their class roster, enter grades (access grade roster), access employee self service, access faculty center, sign up for CUNY A!ert, Use Blackboard, Degreeworks as well as other services. Once your account is activated, be sure to save your CUNYfirst Username and your 8 digit CUNYfirst Empl ID in a safe location.

If you have not done so, claim your account now.

Microsoft 365 / Office 365

Students (Qmail):

After claiming your CUNYfirst account, all students will have access to their M365 email account (also known as Qmail) which will be used for all official college correspondence. M365 uses the same username and password as CUNYfirst, which means that when your CUNYfirst password expires, your M365 password will also expire and you will not be able to enter either account until it has been reset in CUNYfirst.

Note: Students must enter “” after your username in order to log in.

Student Qmail Example:
Your password is your CUNYfirst password.

Faculty & Staff:

After claiming your CUNYfirst account, faculty & staff will have access to their M365 email account which will be used for all official college correspondence. M365 uses the same username and password as CUNYfirst, which means that when your CUNYfirst password expires, your M365 password will also expire and you will not be able to enter either account until it has been reset in CUNYfirst.

Note: Faculty & Staff must enter “” after your username in order to log in.

 Faculty & Staff Email Example:
Your password is your CUNYfirst password.



Faculty & Staff:

(If applicable) Access to MyMail was disable as of Thursday, February 29, 2024.

No action is required if you do not access MyMail or have already copied your emails to your M365 mailbox.

Please see the MyMail Related Links for documentation to move old emails from MyMail to your M365.

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Students, Faculty & Staff: Brightspace from D2L is a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) that runs blended and fully online courses. It comprises three integrated platforms: learning environment, learning repository, and ePortfolio.

Note: You must enter “” after your username in order to log in.

Your password is your CUNYfirst password.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is an all-in-one app that allows you to seamlessly meet and chat with teammates, share files online, and collaborate. Integrated with Microsoft Outlook, it is the most powerful software to manage your day-to-day.

Faculty & Staff: To start using Teams, visit the Microsoft Teams website to download the application, and sign in using your CUNYfirst credentials.

Your password is your CUNYfirst password.


Degreeworks is web-based planning tool to help students and advisors monitor student’s progress towards their degree completion.


Zoom Login (via Browser)

  • Go to
  • Click on Sign in
  • Enter your CUNYfirst Username (firstname.lastnameXX@LOGIN.CUNY.EDU where XX are the last two digits of your EMPLID), then your CUNYfirst password, and then click Login
  • If this is the first time you are logging into your CUNY Zoom account:
    – You will be asked to confirm your account via email.
    – The email address shown on the web page will end in
    – This confirmation email should automatically forward to your Queens College email account, or, for students, it may be sent to any personal email accounts that Queens College has sent email to you in the past.
    – Please check both accounts as well as their spam and junk folders for the confirmation email
    – Please follow the instructions in the email you receive from Zoom to claim your account
    – If you do not receive a confirmation email from Zoom , please open a support ticket
    by emailing support@
    – Include “Zoom” in the subject and in the email include your CUNYfirst login account and information about what issue you encountered
  • Welcome to your CUNY Zoom account!


The City University of New York offers Dropbox and Dropbox Paper to all active CUNY students, faculty, and staff. These platforms allow users to store digital files and collaborate with designated teams on documents. Click on the following link for more information about CUNY Dropbox.

Note: DropBox uses your CUNYfirst login information.

Your password is your CUNYfirst password.

AMS (formerly CAMS) / QC Username & Email

Students, Faculty & Staff: All students, faculty & staff entering Queens College must claim their QC Username account. Your AMS(formerly CAMS)/QC Username account allows you to access the schools computers, Wi-Fi on campus, QC Mobile Print, MyQC, obtain your QCard (College ID card) and access other college web applications

All students must claim their e-mail account (Qmail) in Office 365.

AMS Student Example: JDOE100
Your password is your AMS password.

AMS Faculty & Staff Example: JDOE
Your password is your AMS password.

If you have not done so, please claim your account now.



Faculty & Staff:

(If applicable) access to MyMail was disabled as of Thursday, February 29, 2024.

No action is required if you do not access MyMail and have copied your emails to your M365 mailbox.

Please see the MyMail Related Links (to the right) for documentation on how to move old emails from MyMail to your M365.

Computer Labs & Computers on Campus

Students, Faculty & Staff: You must enter your AMS(formerly CAMS)/QC Username and AMS password in order to sign into computers on campus (this includes Computer Labs). This is not your CUNYfirst login and password.

Student Sign-In Example: instrJDOE100
Your password is your AMS password.

Faculty & Staff Sign-In Example: qcJDOE
Your password is your AMS password.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning offers students, faculty and staff unlimited on-demand access to a full library of online video tutorials.

Note: You must enter your QC Username/AMS(formerly CAMS) and AMS password in order to sign into LinkedIn Learning. This is not your CUNYfirst login and password.

Student Sign-In Example: JDOE100
Your password is your AMS password.

Faculty & Staff Sign-In Example: JDOE
Your password is your AMS password.

QWifi / QC Wireless Network

(here are 2 wireless networks in place. You will see them in the list of available wireless networks:

  • qwifi-secured you will need to log in. Use your QC Username/CAMS and password.
  • qwifi-guest you will not need to login

Note: You must enter your QC Username/AMS (formerly CAMS) and AMS password in order to sign into qwifi-secured. This is not your CUNYfirst login and password.

Student Example: JDOE100
Your password is your AMS password.

Faculty & Staff Example: JDOE
Your password is your AMS password.

Eduroam / CUNY Wi-Fi Hotspots

The City University and New York offers free, secure Wi-Fi access via Eduroam, an initiative to provide roaming network access across research and education networks.

CUNY students, faculty and staff can configure an Eduroam wireless network connection on their devices to access the internet through an Eduroam Wi-Fi hotspot at participating campuses and Central Office.

Students, Faculty & Staff: To start using Eduroam, visit the ITS Support Solutions page to follow a one-time procedure prompting the download and installation of the app.

Note: Eduroam uses your CUNYfirst Login credentials.

Your password is your CUNYfirst password

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication is a simple way of protecting Queens College email accounts by requiring email users to provide more than just their username and password when attempting to log in.

Multi-factor authentication adds a second layer of protection that requires our email users to prove their identity before they are granted access to their email account.

Multi-factor authentication is a simple way of protecting Queens College email accounts by requiring email users to provide more than just their username and password when attempting to log in.

Multi-factor authentication adds a second layer of protection that requires our email users to prove their identity before they are granted access to their email account.


Guides on how to access VPN and connecting to computers from outside to campus network.

VPN Related Links:

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