Two people having a conversation inside a lab.

Master of Science in Optics and Photonics Technology

The program leading to Master of Science degree in Optics and Photonics Technology is an innovative program developed for designation as a professional science master’s program. Its thrust is to prepare students for immediate employment in the optics, photonics and semiconductor industries. This program emphasizes hands-on experience in laboratories enhanced by Industrial internships and combines the rigorous studies of fundamental modern physics with developing critical communication skills and strategic business learning.

Members of the department are engaged in experimental and theoretical research in such fields as light propagation, localization and emission in photonic periodic, quasiperiodic and disordered materials, including random lasers; , optical microresonators and their applications in sensing, optical logic elements, and new types of lasers, optics and magneto-optics of semiconductor nanostructures such as quantum dots, quantum wires and quantum wells; photonic nanostructures for biosensing and solar cell applications; application of methods of condensed matter physics to biophysical problems, and nanoelectromechanical systems.

Admissions at a Glance
Fall Deadline April 15
Spring Deadline Fall only
Extended Deadline August 1
Letters of Reference 2
Essay None
PTE 44
Accepts Non-Matric Yes

Requirements for Matriculation

These requirements are in addition to the general requirements for matriculation.

  1. All candidates must have the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts degrees in physics or their equivalents. Consideration for admission will also be given to individuals with bachelor’s degrees in mathematics, chemistry, electrical engineering, material science, or computer science at the discretion of the Admission Committee
  2. All candidates must provide at least two letters of recommendation attesting to their academic abilities, motivation and work ethics

Requirements for Non-Matriculation

Students are to follow the college’s requirements for non-matriculation​.