Run an Appointment Campaign in QC Navigate
Use appointment campaigns to nudge a targeted group of students to set up an advising appointment with you. Students will receive an email with a link to set an appointment at a time that fits your schedule (and your students’ schedules). You can coordinate with other advisors for your program or in your department, giving students more options for advising, if desired, or you can establish a campaign just for you. Learn how from the slides below.
Pro Tip from Advising’s Danielle Izzo
After you send out an appointment campaign, click on your campaign under the “campaigns” feature on the left. Then you will see tabs that say “appointments made” and appointments not yet made.” This is very straightforward and allows you to remind all of the folks who did not make an appointment to do so. However, here is something I just learned:
If you click on the “eligible appointments” tab, you can see every student from your campaign list who made an appointment OUTSIDE of the link you sent out in your campaign. Perhaps they clicked on a link in a message (not through the campaign), had help at the front desk, downloaded the app and made the appointment on their own. Well, these folks still show up on the “appointments not yet made” tab, since that tab is only tracking who made appointments through the specific appointment campaign link. However, if you click on “actions” above the list of students in the “eligible appointments” tab, you can select all of these students and click on “associate appointments.” This will move these students to the “appointments made” tab and remove them from the “appointment not yet made” tab. Then when you send a list reminding students to sign up, it will be more accurate. I plan to use the “associate appointments” feature each time I am about to send out a reminder so my list is as clean as possible.