QC Navigate Advanced Search
Slide deck on Advanced Search
Quick tips
Click on the Advanced Search icon in the left navigation tool bar

- Expand the accordion sections to reveal search fields
- Some search fields have a “+” sign that provides additional Boolean logic for searches
- Click the “+” sign to set conditions to meet “All” selected values (AND Boolean logic) or “None” of the selected values (NOT Boolean logic). The default is for “Any” of the selected values (OR Boolean logic)
- PRO TIP: Save your search so you can use the search parameters again without having to rebuild the search from scratch.
- After clicking the Search button and having the results return, you will see an option to Save

- To find your saved searches, click the Lists & Searches icon in the left navigation menu.

Advanced Search FAQs
(under development)
Which students are in Navigate?
Navigate is populated with admitted, pre-matriculated, and matriculated students, and students who have not yet graduated (don’t have a completed program yet). A search will result in the students as defined here who meet the conditions the user sets in the search.
For many of the search variables (for example, “Categories”), there are many value choices. Do I have to scroll through the whole list of possible values to select the ones I want?
No, just start typing the name of the value you are looking for and the list will be limited to the values that meet your search criteria.
How do I search by undergraduate major or graduate program?
Use the Area of Study accordion section to search by major. Remember to select the Macaulay Honors College version of the major (if desired) as a separate value (e.g., English – BA; MHC English – BA).
How do I search by minor?
In Navigate, Minors are listed within the Categories in the Student Information accordion section. Remember to click the “+” on the Categories search box to expand to use AND or NOT searches.