CUNY MENA Global Partnership

Global Scholars Achieving Career Success (GSACS): Faculty Facilitator Info Session. Introduction to Collaborative Online International Learning & Stevens Initiative Grant.

Queens College is a sub-awardee for a virtual exchange project, Global Scholars Achieving Career Success (GSACS), from the Stevens Initiative which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, with funding provided by the U.S. Government, and is administered by the Aspen Institute. The Stevens Initiative is also supported by the Bezos Family Foundation and the governments of Morocco and the United Arab Emirates.

The grant is awarded to nine partner institutions:

  • LaGuardia Community College (lead PI)

  • CUNY sub-awardees: Queens College, BMCC, Guttman, and Hostos

  • Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region sub-awardees: Abdelmalek Essaadi University (Morocco), Palestine Ahliya University (Palestinian Territories), Jordan University of Science and Technology (Jordan), and The American University in Cairo (Egypt).

Global Scholars Achieving Career Success (GSACS) connects students from the five CUNY colleges and university students in Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Jordan, and Egypt. During this two-year project, students will work together on experiential learning projects that explore UN Sustainable Development Goals within their local and international communities as well as engage in career development (see flyer below).

For further information, please contact project P.I. Schiro Withanachchi at schiro.withanachchi@

Additional support provided by:

Content Expert: Ashraf Shady (Education)

English Support Faculty: Michelle Soule (English), Elizabeth Saurel-Schumacher (English), Donna Smith (Director, Learning Commons, Academic Support)

CETLL: Jean Kelly (Instructional Technologist)

Center for Career Engagement and Internships: David Engel (Alumni and Employer Engagement Specialist).