If you are looking to evaluate your own hybrid or online course, or if you are asked to observe a hybrid or online course being taught by a colleague, try using a rubric for online instruction.
One rubric we strongly recommend was developed by California State University, Chico. It specifies six categories for a course with online components:
- Learner support and resources: does the course link to campus resources and provide information on being an online learner?
- Online organization and design: is the course well organized and easy to navigate?
- Instructional design and delivery: does the course clearly link course goals and objectives, does it provide opportunities for students to interact, does it offer multiple activities?
- Assessment and evaluation of student learning: are the assessments clearly linked to learning objectives?
- Innovative teaching with technology: does the course use varied and effective technologies to facilitate communication and learning?
- Faculty use of student feedback: does the instructor offer students the opportunity to provide feedback?
The complete rubric, including descriptors for each category at baseline, effective, and exemplary levels and a downloadable pdf are available at https://www.csuchico.edu/eoi/rubric.shtml.
If you have any questions, please email ctlonline@qc.cuny.edu.