CETLL is excited to announce a new monthly event: Pedagogy Pop-Ups, a space for peer-based discussion and support about teaching and learning at Queens College.
Join us for our first (hybrid) pop-up: Discussing Generative AI With Our Students, with Faculty Presenters Lindsey Albracht and S.E. Hackney (GSLIS).
We will explore strategies to hold meaningful conversations with our students about the evolving role of artificial intelligence in creative and academic spaces. We invite you to share your experiences, tools, questions, and concerns!
We will meet on Wednesday, 2/19 from 12:30-1:30p in Kiely 111A/Zoom: Register here
Join us for our second (hybrid) pop-up: Expanding Student Engagement In and Beyond the Classroom, with Faculty Presenters Iva Burdett (Chemistry), Melissa Lovitz (FNES), and Christopher Williams (English and Provost’s Faculty Fellow 2023-2024)
At this pop-up, a panel of faculty members will share specific strategies to expand student engagement through syllabus design, course assignments, campus-based activities, and other learning opportunities. We invite you to bring your experiences, tools, questions, and concerns!
We will meet on Wednesday, 3/19 from 12:30-1:30p in Kiely 111A/Zoom: Register here