Department Advisor Info Session

Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Leadership

Department Advisor Info Session

Dear Faculty Advisors and Department Chairs,
The Provost’s Office is pleased to introduce a new resource available to you for the upcoming advising season: the Faculty Advisor Hub. This hub contains a wealth of links to campuswide resources that are designed to support you in your role as a departmental advisor and ensure a seamless experience for your students.
In addition,  we invite you to an upcoming Department Advisor Info Session on Thursday, October 10th, 12:15–1:30 PM in  DH-122, the Q-side in the Dining Hall.  Representatives from the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership (CETLL), the Academic Advising Center, and the Registrar’s Office will be present to provide updates, advising insights, and technology tips. We will also have an IT representative available to assist with systems access related to advising platforms (i.e., Navigate, DegreeWorks). Please RSVP for this info session here.
Thank you for your continued commitment to student success! We hope to see you at the Info Session and encourage you to explore the Faculty Advisor Hub as a valuable tool for your advising work (
For more information, reach out to Susan Davis, Provost’s 23-24 Faculty Fellow, at