Resources for Supporting Student Wellness & Mental Health in the COVID-19 Crisis

(Compiled on March 31, 2020 by Drs. David Rivera & Sara Woolf, Department of Educational & Community Programs)

Friday, April 3 webinar presentation slides (login to CUNY Office 365 required)

Webinar Recording (login to CUNY Office 365 required)

How to support each other, your students, or others who are in distress.

As you interact, be present to what is being said by employing the V-A-R method of active listening (from Active Minds:V-A-R: Validate, Appreciate, Refer®):

    1. Validate: Let the person know what they are experiencing is okay and that you are empathetic to what they are sharing. Example, “I’m sorry you are struggling right now.”
    2. Appreciate: Someone sharing a challenge is a challenge, express appreciation for their courage. Example, “Thank you for sharing with me.”
    3. Refer: You do not have to solve their issues. Refer them to appropriate support depending on the nature of the issue. Example, “Sometimes a mindfulness activity can help destress in the moment. Have you heard of” or “You might want to contact crisis text line (text 741-741), they can provide support via text in the moment at any time.”
    4. Conversations in EI (Emotional Intelligence): Coping with the COVID-19 crisis. Episode 1. This resource was created by our own Dr. John Pellitteri along with his colleagues from the International Society for Emotional Intelligence.

Counseling, Health, & Wellness Center

Knight’s Table Food Pantry

Student Life

Coronavirus: Current Semester Guidance

Corona Virus Updates and Resources

CERRU a diversity education center that provides nonviolent communication tools to bridge social differences and create a more equitable society.

    Crisis Text Line ( Text “Home” to 741-741. Crisis Text Line and offers free, on-demand crisis counseling using text messaging as a means to improve the critically needed access to crisis counseling. Trained Crisis Counselors are available 24/7 to receive texts and respond quickly to provide support.

    National Alliance of Mental Health resource specific to coping with COVID-19

    7 Cups (

    Free supportive chats and affordable online therapy resources.

    Active Minds (

    Mental health awareness and support for young adults.

    Mental Health Apps

    Headspace; Talkspace; Calm; Moodfit; MoodMission; Insight Timer.

    A resource with recorded mindfulness meditations that you can use in class or provide to students for their use.

    The Steve Fund Knowledge Center A repository of various resources to help people understand and address mental health issues focused on students of color.

    Jed Foundation Mental Health Resource Starting the Conversation: College and Your Mental Health. This is a comprehensive guide to understanding college student mental health.

    New York State Office of Mental Health Emotional Support LineCall 844-863-9314

    NYC WELLCall 1-888-NYC-WELL or Text “WELL” to 65173

    Filing for unemployment in New York State:

    Resources for a variety of financial assistance issues