Academic Integrity
CUNY Academic Integrity Policy
- Memorandum from QC’s Vice President of Student Affairs about this policy (September 23, 2014)
- QC Office of Student Conduct
- QC’s Academic Integrity Violation Form (to be used in reporting cases of violation of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy)
Policy for Use of a Learning Management System for Online Classes
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a Federal law protecting the privacy of student education records.
Computing and Information Security Policies and Procedures
CUNY Acceptable Use of Computer Resources: CUNY faculty, students, and staff are all bound by this policy on acceptable use of computing resources
- CUNY security policies and procedures: This page provides a comprehensive listing of policies and procedures on information technology security, use and access, file sharing, and breach reporting
- CUNY Information Security: From CUNY Computing and Information Services (CUNY CIS), this page links to information and support regarding information security, including access to an online security awareness course
Copyright and Fair Use
Copyright Materials and Do I Need Permission? have comprehensive resources regarding copyright, fair use, the TEACH Act, and more, to help you make informed decisions about what to share in an online course.
Intellectual Property Policy
CUNY Intellectual Property Policy: This policy governs intellectual property issues for the entire CUNY community, and provides guidance regarding the ownership of online courses (see section III.B.4).
- Technology Commercialization Office (TCO): This office provides information and support regarding intellectual property, patents, copyrights, and trademarks