Be a Part of Commencement 2025

as we celebrate our 101st year!


Regalia distribution will take place as detailed below. Please be sure to plan for pickup, which will take place in the Patio Room (Dining Hall) on the following dates and times:

Wednesday, May 22: 12:30-4:30 pm

Thursday, May 23: 4:30-6:30 pm

Tuesday, May 28: 5-7 pm

Thursday, May 30 (Commencement Day): 7-9 am

Once the ceremonies conclude on Thursday, gowns should be returned to the Patio Room. If you are unable to do so, please email us at and we will help you make alternate arrangements.

Important Notes:

  • EECE, SEYS, ECP, and LCD Department members should pick up regalia at their respective department offices.
  • Psychology Department members should return gowns to Kiely Hall, Room 413 after the departmental event on Friday.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at or 718-997-3600. We look forward to celebrating Commencement 2024 with you!



1. How to Volunteer as a Marshal

Faculty and staff marshals are instrumental at both the Baccalaureate and Commencement Ceremonies.

  • The Baccalaureate Convocation will be held on Tuesday, May 28 at 7 pm.
  • Commencement will take place on Thursday, May 30, at 9 am.

All marshals are required to attend the Marshals’ Reception on May 8, at which time we will review procedures for both events. Invitations will be forthcoming.

Faculty who serve as marshals need to wear academic regalia.

If you would like to volunteer to serve as a marshal, please indicate so on the RSVP form:

If you have any questions about volunteering as a marshal or would like more information, please email the Commencement Office at

2. Faculty Marching with Departments

Faculty from all academic departments should have representation at both the Baccalaureate and Commencement ceremonies. These are important milestones for our students, so we ask for your help in ensuring faculty attendance at these events. Faculty who march with their respective departments must wear academic regalia.

If you would like to volunteer to march with your department, please indicate so on the RSVP form:

3. Regalia Ordering – April 15 Deadline

Please review carefully as there is a new procedure this year.

The Commencement Office will cover the cost of regalia rental. Each faculty and staff member who plans to participate in this year’s ceremonies must enter a regalia order at Herff Jones. Use customer number 31015501000 and order number 5147267. If your name does not appear on the website, you may enter it. Be sure to indicate your full name, height, weight, cap size, and institution where your degree was earned. The deadline for regalia ordering is April 15. 

Regalia Distribution (Pick-up)

You must arrange to retrieve your regalia order. A schedule indicating the days and times when distribution takes place will be shared as time gets closer.

Special Note: Faculty/staff members from Linguistics & Communication Disorders (LCD), Educational & Community Programs (ECP), Secondary Education & Youth Services (SEYS), and Elementary & Early Childhood Education (EECE) who choose to participate in pre-Commencement celebrations must submit their regalia orders through their respective departments, not on the above link.

We look forward to your participation in these important ceremonies. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sylvia Hernandez, Director of the Office of Campus Events and Commencement, at 718-997-3600 or


Faculty and staff will be allowed to park on campus on Commencement Day. Keep in mind that those who have parking decals may be assigned to a different location on campus. 

Entrance Gate schedule:

  • Main Gate (Kissena Boulevard) will be open to vehicular traffic until 8 am
  • Gate 2 (Melbourne Avenue) will be open to vehicular traffic until 8:30 am
  • Gate 3 (Reeves Avenue) will be open to vehicular traffic all day