Summer Session 2025

Get Ahead This Summer

Register today!

Students studying inside the Sciences Building

Frequently Asked Questions

The Summer Session is a condensed summer schedule for students to catch up or get ahead of their studies during the summer months. It’s a great way to earn up to 15 credits in as little as 2 months. Choose from hundreds of courses, which will be offered in three formats: in person, hybrid, and online. 

How do I apply to Summer Session?

CUNY Students
-Submit an E-Permit​ request on CUNYfirst. No application is required. (CUNYfirst Instructions)​

Visiting Undergraduate Students 
-Complete the Undergraduate Visiting Student Application (Non-degree application) 

Visiting Graduate Students
-Complete the Graduate Non-Degree Application

Current QC Students
-Register for classes on CUNYfirst. No application is required.

If you are an incoming Queens College freshman
-Contact Academic Advising in order to register.

If you are entering a college other than Queens College as a freshman, please check with your home school to see how Queens College credits will be transferred. If you are going to another CUNY college, you may file an ePermit. If you are attending a college outside of CUNY, you may submit a Visiting Student/Non-degree form.

Who is eligible for Summer Session?

Queens College Students

  • All current QC students are eligible to enroll in Summer Session.
  • Transfer students who have been admitted and paid the $100 deposit.
  • Graduating high school students who have been admitted and paid the $100 deposit may take courses during Summer Session 2 (4 weeks) and Summer Session 3 (7 weeks) 

Visiting Students
All students who are new and have not previously matriculated to Queens College are encouraged to apply.

How do I access CUNYfirst to register for my classes?

1. Visit the CUNYfirst website.
2. Log in with your username and password.
If you do not have a username and password, click the “first time users” link to claim your account.
If you have any further troubles with accessing CUNYfirst​, contact the Registrar.

How will I enter the campus?
  • QC students will access campus with their QCard, as they did during previous semesters.
  • ePermit students must present their home CUNY college ID.
  • Visiting students must present a state-issued ID when entering campus.
How many credits can I take during the Summer Session?
You can take up to 15 credits during any combination of summer sessions per academic year: 
Summer Session 1 (4 weeks) = up to 6 credits
Summer Session 2 (4 weeks) = up to 6 credits
Summer Session 3 (7 weeks) = up to 9 credits 

What if my home school requests a syllabus?

  • If your home school requires a syllabus to be submitted for review, please contact the appropriate academic department.
How do I see what courses Queens College is offering this summer?

Browse our course listing.

How much will it cost to take a Summer Session course?

Tuition varies depending on what type of student you are. Visit the Bursar’s Page for detailed information.

A nonrefundable application fee of $65 for undergraduate and $125 for graduate students is charged.

How do I pay for the Summer Session?

It is strongly suggested that you pay your bill online, through the CUNYfirst self-service center. Credit cards (MasterCard, American Express, Visa, and Discover) can only be used for payment plan payments. For more information, please visit the Bursar’s FAQ page

Payment by electronic fund transfer (echeck) is available with no charge to the student. 

If you are a financial aid student, you need to pay the difference between the anticipated aid appearing on your account and your tuition and fee bill. If the anticipated aid appearing on your account is covering your entire bill, no payment is due.

For more information, visit the Bursar’s page on Payment of Tuition.

What if I decide to drop a Summer Session course?

You must officially drop your classes through the CUNYfirst registration system. Schedule of Tuition Liability and Refunds is found in the Bursar Information Letter.

When will I receive my grade?

Grades will be available shortly after the session ends on CUNYfirst​.    

Students who receive incomplete grades will have until the end of the fall term to resolve them.

Summer Parking on Campus for All Students
Parking on campus is free for summer session students with a valid parking decal.
You must submit an application online before picking up a decal.
Submit your parking application online at:
You must have a valid permit to park on campus or you will risk being ticketed, booted, or towed at your expense. 

Three sessions to choose from:

Session 1
(4 weeks)
June 2-June 26 Up to 6 credits Last day to register:
June 2
VS App Deadline: May 30
Session 2
(4 weeks)
July 7-July 30 Up to 6 credits Last day to register:
July 7
VS App Deadline: July 2
Session 3
(7 weeks)
June 30-August 18 Up to 9 credits Last day to register:
July 1
VS App Deadline: June 26

Four sessions to choose from:

Session 1 (4 weeks)
June 3-June 27

Up to 6 credits
Last day to register: June 3 
VS App Deadline: May 31

Session 2 (4 weeks)

July 1-July 25
Up to 6 credits
Last day to register: July 1
VS App Deadline: June 28

Session 3 (6 weeks)

July 1-August 12
Up to 9 credits
Last day to register: July 1
VS App Deadline: June 28

Session 4 (10 weeks)

June 3-August 12
Up to 6 credits
Last day to register: June 3
VS App Deadline: May 31

Note, 15 credits is the maximum that may be taken by any student, in any combination of summer sessions per academic year. ​

Office Information

Queens College Students:

CUNY Students (ePermit): QCHub

Visiting Students: 

Mon-Thur 9:00am – 4:30pm

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