Senior Audit

” Discimus ut Serviamus: We learn so that we may serve”

Senior Audit

New York State residents age 60 and older who have completed high school may qualify to audit undergraduate courses with departmental approval and on a space-available basis. Auditors receive no credit for coursework and pay $80 per semester (billed when registered) for up to 9 credits per semester. ​Graduate courses do not apply.

How to Apply


Step 1: Senior Audit Application

Please complete the Senior Audit Application and send it to us:

Step 2: Meningitis Response Form

Please complete the Meningitis Response Form and send it to:

Step 3: Activate CUNYfirst Account

Step 4: Activate CAMs Account

Step 5: Search for Classes

Here is the link to search for classes: 

Step 6: Contact Department to get Enrolled

You will need to contact the department(s) to get enrolled.
Contact the appropriate department(s):

Health Services Office

Office: 3rd Floor Frese Hall
Phone: 718-997-2760

Office Hours

Monday: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Tuesday: 10:00am – 5:00pm

Wednesday: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Thursday: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Friday: Closed