The 1​0 Steps t​o CompleteBefore|After Your Virtual  Transfer Advising and Registration Session

The important preparatory steps outlined below will assist you on your new academic journey at QC!  

Please ensure to review and complete the following information thoroughly. 

2. Key Points for a Successful Transfer

Possibly the most important compilation of information for a new transfer! This document contains essential policy information, dates and deadlines, as well as important degree requirements. Be sure to review this document carefully. Be prepared with any questions for your advising appointment.

Key Points for a Successful Transfer Document

3. Submit Your Immunization Records


Before submitting your MMR/MEN Immunization Records, login to your CUNYfirst account – Student Service Center and view the holds section. If you have a Meningitis or MMR Hold, submit your Immunizations records to or contact Health Services at 718-997-2760 for assistance.

**If you attended a CUNY college, your immunization record will be available at Queens College.

All students (regardless of age) must complete the meningitis response form. This information can also be self-managed through your CUNYfirst account.

Please note: You may also obtain your immunization records from your high school or other schools you attended. Upload all documents via a secured method in CUNYfirst. Click here for more information.

For all questions and concerns, please visit the
Health Services Office or email:

4. Claim Your QC Technology Accounts & Update Personal Contact Information

You will need the following accounts as a student at QC: CAMSCUNYfirst and Qmail (student email).  If you have not already done so, please ensure you activate the following accounts before your virtual Transfer Advising Session. 

Click Here to activate your QC Accounts!  

Click Here for a worksheet to help you keep track of your accounts, usernames, and passwords.   


Once your CUNYfirst account is set up, you must update your personal information, including your cell phone number and email address. Refer to the CUNYfirst Student Center Tutorial and/or the “How To Update Your Contact Information” guide.

Queens College will use this information to communicate with you, so it is critical that it is updated and available. In the event the College’s communications are filtered to Junk and Spam folders, be sure to check those regularly as well.

If you need assistance claiming your accounts, please visit the
ITS Support for Students for virtual or in-person support

5. Review Your Transfer Credit Evaluation and the Transfer Explorer (T-Rex)

Access your transfer credit evaluation on CUNYfirst. Be sure to review your transfer credit evaluation before your advising session. Inform your advisor of any in-progress Fall 2024 coursework as well as any courses or tests taken during high school (Advanced Placement, CUNY College Now, etc.).


Prior to meeting with an academic advisor, you should also use the Transfer Explorer (T-Rex)

Transfer Explorer (T-Rex) is the source for the most up-to-date information about how CUNY colleges transfer and apply credit for both CUNY and non-CUNY courses, as well as for other learning experiences, like exams and certifications. Whether you are planning to transfer within CUNY or simply to take a course at another CUNY college, make T-Rex your go-to resource. T-Rex is intuitive and super easy to use, and allows you to do three key things:

  • Compare how one or multiple CUNY colleges transfer and apply credit for the same course or learning experience.
  • Identify how courses taken at one CUNY college satisfy program requirements in specific majors and minors at one or multiple CUNY colleges.
  • Compare how your CUNY courses, completed or in process, transfer to another CUNY college – if you are or have ever been a CUNY student.

For more information regarding the Transfer Explorer, please view the T-Rex videos on the right-hand side of this webpage.

6. Review QC Bachelor's Degree Requirements & Register for Classes

As one of the senior liberal arts colleges at CUNY, Queens College offers a rich curriculum in the Schools of Arts and Humanities, Social Science, Mathematics and Natural Science, and Education. All QC students complete degree requirements, which include the Pathways General Education courses and a major area of study. Our students follow a liberal arts curriculum that provides them with the opportunity to study a broad range and variety of subjects.

In order to prepare for registration, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with CUNYfirst, General Education choices from the​ Spring 2025 Registration Toolkit, connect with the faculty in your major department via email (visit departmental websites for contact information) and enroll in courses.

You may begin enrolling into courses via CUNYfirst prior to your advising session.  During your session, your advisor will provide you with feedback on your course choices. If you are unfamiliar with CUNYfirst, please refer to the CUNYfirst 9.2 Student Center tutorial for assistance.

7. Get a Head Start with classes this Winter Session! Explore Winter Bootcamps!

Winter Session and Bootcamps have already begun!  Summer Session is coming soon!  Watch your inbox for information!

8. Do you qualify for one of these special programs – ACE, Murphy Institute, Transfer Honors, Veteran Services

ACE Program

Accelerate, Complete, and Engage at Queens College (ACE QC) is a comprehensive support program designed to build on transfer students’ academic momentum and help students complete their bachelor’s degree within two years. Modeled after CUNY’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP), ACE QC provides a range of financial, academic, and personal support, including intensive academic advisement, career development, assistance with textbook and transportation, and more.  ACE QC supports entering transfer students with an associate’s degree and pursuing a degree in select majors.  For details on application process, eligibility criteria, participating majors, and student requirements, visit the ACE QC website.

Murphy Institute

Identifying students who are union members to receive free services at QC

In collaboration with the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies (SLU), Queens College supports union members to earn a degree, advance their careers, and achieve personal growth.  All working Queens College students who are union members are invited to use free services provided by the Murphy Institute for Worker Education at QC.

To see if you are eligible for services please complete this form, we will then contact you to set up an appointment to meet with our advisors.

For more information, please call us at 718-997-3060 or visit our webpage.

Transfer Honors

What is the Transfer Honors Program (THP)?

The Transfer Honors Program (THP) is devoted to cultivating the scholarly potential of talented transfer students like you! Our motto, created by our students, is “Tell your story. Ignite our future. Serve the world.” Our goal is to give academic and financial support as well as comprehensive advising and mentoring to our students so that they may do advanced work in their own fields at Queens College and beyond!

Who is eligible for the THP?

You must have 60+ credits completed at the time of transfer and have at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA from a AA, AS, BA, or BS program in your previous college(s). You should be able to demonstrate that you have taken courses in composition, the humanities, the social sciences, mathematics, and the laboratory sciences. Students already enrolled at Queens College and students who have already completed a four-year degree are not eligible to apply.

Contact information

Please see the Transfer Honors webpage which contains our application, program brochure which highlights the benefits of the program, and information about recruitment events.

You may also contact us at:

Veteran Services

Queens College is dedicated to fostering a sense of community, developing communication channels among veterans, military personnel, and dependent students, and enhancing their experience on campus. The college welcomes and supports these individuals and recognizes their contributions as citizens and students. We are proud of the diversity and academic excellence they bring to our school.

VSS has been explicitly designed to address the multiple needs of veteran and military students at QC. The VSS team offers collaborative academic and supportive services in each office listed under Related Links. In addition, we provide referrals to local community and government agencies that can offer assistance with housing, medical, and mental health issues.  Please visit: Veteran and Military Support Services.

9. Confirm Your Associate Degree (if applicable) & Complete Your File

Already have a degree?

Your general education requirements at Queens College will be determined by the type of associate degree (AA, AS, AAS, AGS, or AOS) that you earned or expect to earn at the end of the Fall 2024 semester.

If not, are you eligible for a Reverse Transfer?

What is Reverse Transfer? A student who has transferred to a baccalaureate institution from a community college without first earning an associate degree might still be able to earn that associate degree. With Reverse Transfer, credits earned at the baccalaureate institution that meet and complete the academic credentials of the associate degree are “transferred back” from the four-year institution to the two-year institution.

It is a CUNY Opt-In Policy in which an associate’s degree transfer student affirms interest in having their record reviewed and considered to obtain their Associate’s Degree. The Associate Degree Completion is available on the student’s CUNYFirst TO DO LIST. For detailed information and your first step to confirm eligibility click here.

For more information about Reverse Transfer, please email

File Completion

Having all of your official transcripts and score reports demonstrating Prior Learning in your admissions file is very important. Be sure to submit all original and final (non-CUNY) transcripts electronically to the Undergraduate Admissions Office (UA) via email to  AP, International Baccalaureate and CLEP scores should be sent via College Board to University Application Processing Center.  (UAPC)

Please note that UA cannot grant you any college credits unless official transcripts/score reports are on file. A good rule of thumb: If you were still in classes when you filled out the CUNY or Common application, you should submit your final official transcripts as soon as you can. Chances are the transcript on file used for admissions purposes will not show the final semester’s coursework, credits, and grades. Please note that this is not applicable for CUNY students who participated in the CUNY College Now Program.

Submit the following transcripts to Undergraduate Admissions:

  • Non-CUNY schools attended
  • Non-CUNY college preparatory coursework
  • High school transcript and proof of graduation

Standardized Exams

For comprehensive information on transferring credits through Industry Credentials, Portfolio Assessment, DSST Credit by Examination Program and Military Training and Occupations please see the CUNY – Credit for Prior Learning website.

Please contact with any questions.

It is important that you provide academic advisors with this information at your Virtual Transfer Session so that they can help to determine how much and what type of credit you may be awarded by the Admissions Office. Advisors who have this information can advise you against taking duplicative courses and thereby losing credit.

10. Declare your Major


Students who would like to declare or change a major or minor, must fill out the fillable Declaration of Major/Minor form and email it to the respective academic department for “signature.”  Please note, some departments have a specific process for declaration.   Please check department websites at under Academics for more information.

Submit the completed form to the QC Hub via one of these two methods:

  • Via department: Academic departments can send the completed forms to the QC Hub.
  • Self-submit: Students may self-submit the signed form to the QC HUB via Fresh Service.

The following majors require an application and/or have special entrance criteria, which means that they cannot be declared in this manner. Please see the respective department’s website for further information:

  • Business Administration (Actuarial Studies, Corporate Finance, and International Business)
  • Communication Sciences and Disorders (i.e., Speech Pathology)
  • Dance; Drama/Theatre
  • Design BFA
  • Dietetics
  • Elementary & Secondary Education
  • Music (all programs)
  • Neuroscience
  • Studio Art BFA

For students who have earned 60 credits, and must declare their major by the Financial Aid deadline of Friday, January 31, 2025, but are not ready for their intended major, your advisor will suggest a related major in the interim.

The 1​0 Steps t​o Complete Before|After Your Virtual  Transfer Advising and Registration Session

1. As the Semester Nears, Connect with a Peer!

The Spring 2025 semester begins on Saturday, January 25, 2025. Now that you are enrolled, it’s time to prepare for your first day.

The Academic Advising Center (AAC) Peer Ambassadors are here to ensure you have a successful start to your first semester at QC.

Connect with an AAC Peer in-person or virtually. See office hours and more information below!

We look forward to connecting with you soon!
Visit our webpage: AAC Peer Ambassadors – Academic Advising Center (

2. Transfer Welcome Event

Transfer students are an important part of the Queens College Community.  Please join us at the welcome event, learn more about what the campus has to offer and have some fun!


3. Complete the Transfer Survey

Your voice is important to us! Please complete the Transfer Advising Survey to best assist us in determining if we are effectively meeting your needs as an incoming transfer student. Our goal is to ensure we provide you with the support and resources you need to begin your new academic journey as a member of the Queens College community.​

4. Get Your QC Student ID (QCard) & Campus Navigation Information

The QCard is the official ID of Queens College. To obtain your QCard, you must have a CAMS (QC Username) and photos must be submitted online. Visit the QCard webpage to log in and submit your photo.

Refer to the following additional resources to best navigate campus:

5. Finalize Your Online Accounts, Submit Outstanding Immunization Records & Review Key Points for a Successful Transfer

Be sure to finalize all your QC accounts (CUNYfirst; Office 365/QMail and CAMS) as noted in the BEFORE section above.

If you are unable to do so, please contact Information Technology Services (ITS) or the Help Desk to Submit a Ticket.

Be sure to submit any outstanding MMR/MEN records if applicable.

For all questions and concerns, please visit the
Health Services Office or email:

Key Points
Review the Key Points Document previously discussed with your advisor and attached to your Advising Checklist. This document outlines the degree requirements and important policies related to your degree.

Key Points for a Successful Transfer Document

6. Pay for Your Classes & Get Your Text Books

Payment Information

Once registered, an email will be sent to the student’s QC email account informing them of the due date of their bill, based on their initial date of registration. This notice will direct the student to CUNYfirst to view the semester’s bill. Please note, your tuition bill will not be mailed to your home.

To view payment due dates, refer to the Bursar Information Letter available on the Bursars webpage. Be sure to refer to the Bursars webpage for Payment Options.

Financial Aid

Have a question about your financial aid? Please refer to the Financial Aid Services website for more information. You can also create a support ticket through our Fresh Service Portal. Be sure to include your CUNY ID number, if available. Click here for instructions on how to submit a ticket. Your inquiry will automatically be directed to the appropriate staff so that we can resolve your ticket as quickly as possible. Financial Aid counseling is also available via Navigate appointments with a Financial Aid representative.

For a full listing of New York State Grants and Scholarships, click here!


In preparation for the beginning of the semester, order your textbooks online

Be prepared for the first day of classes and order your textbooks online. Visit Queens College online bookstore.

7. Familiarize Yourself with Important Dates and the Campus

Organization is KEY! Stay informed of important dates throughout the semester. Download the QC Navigate app  and login to check your class schedule before the first day of classes — especially to ensure class locations in the event any have changed. Look up key information such as your class geolocations and important “to-dos,” dates, and deadlines.

    8. QC Navigate – Make Appointments, Access Your “eAdvising Portfolio” and Session Notes

    QC Navigate is another technology account you need here at Queens College. This is the tool for you to schedule academic advising appointments in the future!

    Utilize the resources and tools available to you to help you succeed in college and stay on track for graduation and beyond. Access your eAdvising Portfolio ​via QC Navigate at any time to view your advising session notes and documents.

    10. Stay Connected to AAC!

    Email the Academic Advising Center at and indicate Transfer Advising in the subject line. Call the New Student phone line at (718) 997-5573 and we will promptly return your call.

    “Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for helpful tips, important dates, events & IG Live @academicadvising_qc”

    Follow Us On Social Media!

    EAB LogoFacebookInstagram

    Office Information

    Director: Laura Silverman
    Office: Kiely Hall, Room 217
    Continuing Student Phone: 718.997.5599, New Student Phone: 718.997.5573, Fax: 718.997.5643

    If you are a new or continuing student and have not met your CUNY Reading and Writing Proficiency Requirements, please fill out the Accuplacer ESL Exam Intake Form. For more information refer to the Testing Office.

    To find out which Math course you should begin with, please email the Math Department at using your college issued email

    Undertanding Transfer

    Transfer Tip #1: Starting Strong

    Transfer Tip #2: Accessing Resources

    Transfer Tip #3: Practicing Self Care

    Transfer Tip #4: Gaining Professional Skills