Office Information
Director: Laura Silverman
Office: Kiely Hall, Room 217
Continuing Student Phone: 718.997.5599, New Student Phone: 718.997.5573, Fax: 718.997.5643
Email: advising@qc.cuny.edu
If you are a new or continuing student and have not met your CUNY Reading and Writing Proficiency Requirements, please fill out the Accuplacer ESL Exam Intake Form.
Queens College is committed to student success and providing myriad resources to foster students’ academic growth in their journey toward earning a baccalaureate degree. Through the support services listed on the right, students can develop key college success strategies and integrate wellness into their daily routine while prioritizing their academic career.
Good Academic Standing
Undergraduate students with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least a 2.0 are considered to be in “Good Academic Standing”. Since several majors have admission criteria and require a higher GPA, and others require students maintain a specific GPA to remain in the program, students are encouraged to refer to the departmental website of their intended major for entrance information and to meet with an academic advisor for additional guidance.
Regular Academic Probation
Students whose Spring or Fall term GPA initially falls below retention standards will be assigned Regular Probation. Students on Regular Probation who officially withdraw from all of their Spring or Fall courses, or take an official leave of absence from all of their Spring or Fall classes, will be placed on Extended Probation for their next term of enrollment.
Extended Probation
Students who, while on probation, do not meet retention standards but earn a Spring or Fall term GPA of 2.25 or higher (with no grades of INC, or WU), or who successfully appeal their Spring academic dismissal to the USSC will be assigned Extended Probation. Students on Extended Probation who officially withdraw from all of their Spring or Fall classes, or take an official leave of absence from all of their Spring or Fall classes, will be assigned Extended Probation for their next term of enrollment.
If, while on Extended Probation, a student’s cumulative GPA reaches 2.00 or higher, that student will be automatically assigned “Good Standing” when the probationary status is reassessed at the end of the Fall or Spring semester (in January and May). Students assigned “Good Standing” may register for Summer Sessions and a maximum of 18 credits for regular semesters.
Continuing Probation
At the end of the Fall term there is no academic dismissal. Therefore, students who while on probation do not meet retention standards and do not earn a Fall term GPA of 2.25 or higher (with no grades of INC or WU) will be assigned Continuing Probation.
Students on Continuing Probation not registered for the immediately following Spring term, or who drop all of their courses before the end of the third week of the Spring term, will be academically dismissed during the Spring term. Students on Continuing Probation who officially withdraw from all of their Spring classes, or take an official leave of absence during the Spring term, may not register for the following Summer Sessions or Fall term, but may apply for reentry for the following Spring term on Continuing Probation. Reentry information and applications may be obtained at the Admissions Office website. If, while on Continuing Probation, a student’s cumulative GPA reaches 2.00 or higher, that student will be automatically assigned “Good Standing” when probationary status is reassessed at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters (in January and May). Students assigned “Good Standing” may register for Summer Sessions and a maximum of 18 credits for regular semesters.
Reentry Probation
A student who has not continued attendance at the college while on regular or extended probation will be permitted to reenter on Reentry Probation. Reentry information and applications may be obtained at the Admissions Office website.
A student who was academically dismissed from Queens College may apply to reenter only after a full academic year has passed since the date of dismissal. Reentry for students who were academically dismissed is not guaranteed. Students will be instructed to file an appeal along with their application. Reentry information and applications may be obtained at the Admissions Office website. Students who successfully appeal their reentry after academic dismissal with the Committee on Admissions & Reentry Standards (CARS) will be assigned Reentry Probation. Students on Reentry Probation who officially withdraw from all of their Spring or Fall classes, or take an official leave of absence from all of their Spring or Fall classes, will be assigned Reentry Probation for their next term of enrollment. If, while on Reentry Probation, a student’s cumulative GPA reaches 2.00 or higher, that student will be automatically assigned “Good Standing” when probationary status is reassessed at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters (in January and May). Students assigned “Good Standing” may register for Summer Sessions and a maximum of 18 credits for regular semesters.
A student on Regular, Extended, Continuing, or Reentry Probation who does not meet retention standards and did not earn a Spring term GPA of 2.25 or higher (with no grades of INC, PEN, or WU) will be assigned academic dismissal with an opportunity to appeal to the USSC for reinstatement. Notices of academic dismissal, with appeal forms, are sent to students by the end of June via QC webmail. Decisions by the USSC on appeals of academic dismissal are final. Students dismissed at the end of the Spring semester may attend Summer Sessions and are encouraged to attempt to resolve any temporary grades. However, students must file an appeal by the deadline date if they wish to be considered for reinstatement for the Fall term. Appeals received after the deadline date indicated on the appeal for reinstatement will not be reviewed. If the USSC approves a student’s appeal for reinstatement, the student is assigned Extended Probation for the Fall term. Students whose appeal for reinstatement is denied or who choose not to file an appeal may apply to reenter only after a full academic year has passed since the date of dismissal. Reentry for students who were academically dismissed is not guaranteed. Students will be instructed to file an appeal along with their reentry application. Reentry information and applications may be obtained at the Admissions Office website. Second-Degree Undergraduates College policy requires that students in the Second Baccalaureate Degree Program achieve a grade-point average of at least 2.00 at the end of their first term (or first 10 credits) to remain in the program, and must thereafter maintain a 2.00 GPA (cumulative index).
Rules for Students on Academic Probation
Students on academic probation may not register for more than 13 equated credits/hours. Those students who register for more than 13 equated credits/hours before they are placed on probation must reduce their equated credits/hours to 13 by dropping courses. Failure to do so may have a negative impact on students who later appeal their academic dismissal. It is strongly recommended that students on academic probation seek assistance from the College Counseling and Resource Center, Counseling Services, in Frese Hall, 1st Floor (718-997-5420). SEEK students must see their academic counselor in Delany Hall, Room 231 (718-997-3150; www.qc.cuny.edu/seek).
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Students who, while receiving federal student aid, do not meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) by maintaining the minimum GPA and demonstrating adequate progress toward earning a degree will be placed on financial aid suspension.
SAP website Link: https://www.qc.cuny.edu/faid/sap/