Suggested Grading Scale
Grades | Numerical Value / Definition | GPA |
A+ | 97-100 | 4.0 (GPA in Good Academic Standing) |
A | 93-96 | 4.0 |
A- | 90-92 | 3.7 |
B+ | 87-89 | 3.3 |
B | 83-86 | 3.0 |
B- | 80-82 | 2.7 |
C+ | 77-79 | 2.3 |
C | 73-76 | 2.0 |
C- | 70-72 | 1.7 (GPA in Academic Probation) |
D+ | 67-69 | 1.3 |
D | 60-66 | 1.0 (Grade of D is the lowest passing grade in the undergraduate division) |
F | 0-59 | 0.0 |
W | – | Withdrew, official (does not affect GPA) |
WN | – | Never attended, never withdrew (does not affect GPA) |
WD | – | Dropped course in the 2nd/3rd week of semester (does not affect GPA) |
WU | 0 | Prior to Fall 2021 – 0.0, Withdrew Unofficially, Stopped attending, never withdrew, failing grade |
WU | – | Effective Fall 2021 and after, Withdrew Unofficially, WU grades will not have punitive impact on student’s GPA |
INC | | Incomplete, is a temporary grade requested by student, but assigned by the faculty at his/her discretion |
FIN | 0 | 0.0 Failed incomplete, grade assigned when INC is not resolved by the following semester (failing grade) |
P (Pass) |
– | Grade of A+ through D earned in a course for which student elected the P/NC option (does not affect GPA) |
NC (No Credit) | – | Grade of F earned in course for which student elected the P/NC option, or when a first semester freshmen (with 24 or fewer transfer credits) or first semester transfer (with 30 or fewer transfer credits) fail a class, (does not affect GPA) |
CR | – | Credit Earned |
GPA above 2.0 – Good Academic Standing
Pass/No Credit (P/NC) Grading Option
Students may select one course each semester and one course in Winter and Summer Session for grading under the P/NC option. (Note: Summer Sessions 1 and 2 are considered a single semester.) No more than 21 credits of P/NC may be applied toward the baccalaureate degree. Courses in which students only earn a P or NC are not included in the 21 attempted P/NC credit limit.
Instructors cannot submit a grade of P or NC except in courses where these grades are the only legal grade. All earned passing grades (A+ to D) will be converted to P; F grades will be converted to NC, which will not affect your GPA.
The NC grade is assigned only when an F is submitted by the instructor. If a student does not attend the course or if, as a result of excessive absences, the instructor has no basis on which to submit a final grade, a grade of WU may be assigned. The grade of WU will not be converted to an NC. Only an earned failure is converted to an NC. WU and WF grades in courses taken under the P/NC option remain on the student’s record. Since only an earned failure is converted to an NC, students must continue to attend class, complete all assignments, and take the final exam after selecting a P/NC grading option.
Students should note the following:
- Grades of P will not be applied to general college honor, which requires a student to complete at least 45 credits with letter grades at Queens College.
- Most graduate schools consider a P as a D grade.
- You should consult an advisor before selecting P/NC.
What courses/requirements cannot be P/NC’d for students under CUNY Pathways General Education who matriculated to QC in Fall 2015 or later?
- Courses, including prerequisites, in a student’s major, major concentration, and minor (unless with departmental permission).
- Courses used to satisfy Required Core, Flexible Core, and College Option requirements. Note: You may still P/NC core courses; however, a P grade cannot be used to satisfy a core requirement.
- All writing-intensive units.
- Graduate and CESL courses.
What courses/requirements cannot be P/NC’d for students under CUNY Pathways General Education who matriculated between Fall 2013 and Spring 2015?
- Courses, including prerequisites, in a student’s major, major concentration, and minor (unless with departmental permission).
- All writing-intensive units.
- Graduate and CESL courses.
What courses/requirements cannot be P/NC’d for students under LASAR and Perspectives General Education who matriculated between Fall 1981 and Spring 2013?
- Courses, including prerequisites, in a student’s major, major concentration, and minor (unless with departmental permission).
- English 110, 120, 120W.
- Courses taken to satisfy the basic skills requirement in mathematics.
- All writing-intensive units.
- Graduate courses, ACE seminar courses, and CESL courses.
To request the P/NC grade option, please click here. Please note that second semester students can apply for the PNC option until the last day of classes (before finals begin) by completing this form.
- For more information regarding grading policies, please visit the registrar.
First-Semester Grading Policy
Effective for entering students Fall 2017 and is not retroactive.
All failing grades (F, FIN, WF) for first-semester students shall be converted by the Registrar to NC or R. First-semester students shall be defined for this purpose as:
- A full- or part-time freshman in the first semester of matriculation at Queens College with 24 or fewer credits combined from Advanced Placement; International Baccalaureate; college preparatory programs including High-Jump and College Now; and coursework from non-accredited or accredited post-secondary institutions. The only exception shall be for a Fall semester freshman who chooses to attend the immediately-preceding Summer Session. In such cases NC or R shall be recorded for failing grades as defined in “A” received in both the Summer Session and the Fall semester of entry.
- A full- or part-time first-semester transfer student with 30 or fewer combined credits as defined under #1. The only exception shall be for a Fall semester transfer who chooses to attend the immediately-preceding Summer Session. In such cases NC or R shall be recorded for failing grades as defined in “A” received in both the Summer Session and the Fall semester of entry.
Grade Replacement Policy
Students who have received a grade of “F” in a course may be eligible to use the “F” grade replacement policy
When repeating coursework: Both new and old grades remain on transcript.
What grades are considered “F-grade” in CUNY? F, FIN, and WF. WU grades prior to Fall 2021 are considered failing grades.
Maximum 16 credits of “F-grade” replacement within CUNY: “C” or better is required to replace “F-grade” in GPA.
Exceeded 16 credits of “F-grade” replacement within CUNY: New and old grades both averaged in GPA.
Repeating courses for which you received a passing grade: New and old grades both averaged in GPA.
Please note: Repeating coursework could potentially affect your financial aid eligibility! Please discuss your options with an advisor first.