The Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management supports the mission and strategic plan of Queens College by advocating for students and their development by placing students at the center of all we do. We appreciate each student’s uniqueness, and will strive to provide students with the intellectual and experiential opportunities to make connections and enhance the growth of each student beyond the classroom experience.
Jennifer Jarvis
Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Location: Student Union, Room 300
Tel: 718-997-5501
Irving Uribe
Confidential Executive Assistant for the VP for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Student Union, Room 300
Tel 718-997-5501
Administration: AVP for Student Affairs
The Office of the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs acts as a resource, referral, and advocacy agency for students. We guide students, help them navigate their way, and utilize various on-campus programs and services. We assist students with any concerns or complaints about the college they may have.
Office Number: 718-997-5500
Location: Student Union, Room 327
Official Website:
Sean Pierce Interim Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Tel: 718-997-3943 Email: |
Maria Fosco Director of Administration & Special Events Tel: 718-997-4415 Email: |
Dwayne D. Jones, Sr. Interim Dean of Students Tel: 718-997-5500 Email: |
Administration: AVP for Enrollment Management
The focus of the Office of the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management is two-fold: to provide a positive and accessible environment to all QC students from the prospect stage through graduation and to support faculty and staff as they work with students.
Office Number: 718-997-5929
Location: Jefferson Hall, Room 117
Official Website:
Vacant Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management Tel: 718-997-5929 Email: |
Javette Smallwood |
Administration: Dean of Students
The Office of the Dean of Students is here to help you succeed and make the most of your Queens College experience from recruitment and new student orientation through Commencement. We are an advocate for all QC students and provide support to students who need assistance with matters related to College regulations, policies and procedures. Additionally, the office addresses a wide range of student concerns and challenges including: student complaints; support and assistance with personal emergencies; referrals to appropriate College offices and resources. We are also a resource for faculty and staff who want to learn more about the College’s many co-curricular programs, initiatives, and policies.
Dwayne D. Jones, Sr.
Dean of Students
Tel: 718-997-5500
Location: Student Union, Room 327
Admissions - Undergraduate
The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is responsible for recruiting and communication with new freshmen and transfer students. The office provides information about Queens College to interested students and reviews applications to help determine which students will be accepted. The admissions counselors also visit high schools, colleges, and other community-based organizations to present about Queens College.
Office Phone: 718-997-5600
Location: Jefferson Hall Welcome Center
Official Website:
Chelsea Lavington Director of Undergraduate Admissions Tel: 718-997-5605 Email: |
Arpita Paulemon Deputy Director of Undergraduate Admissions Tel: 718-997-5610 Email: |
John LaBarbera Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions Tel: 718-997-5622 Email: |
Admissions - Graduate
The Office of Graduate Admissions services current and prospective graduate students in their pursuit of post-baccalaureate education. QC’s 100+ career-building master’s and certificate degree programs allow students to choose from numerous areas of study, such as Arts, Computer Science, Data Analytics, Education, Library Science, Media, Psychology, Risk Management, and many more.
Location: Jefferson Hall, Room 105
Official Website:
Cassandra Winter Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions Tel: 718-997-5200 Email: |
Care and Concern Team
The QC Care and Concern Team is a collaborative committee of QC professionals that meets regularly to discuss the behavior of individuals about whom reports are received. QC Cares determines if any intervention is needed and monitors the situation for ongoing action and assistance.
Office Email:
Dwayne Jones Cares Team Chair Tel: 718-997-3975 Email: |
Emanuel Avila Judicial Affairs Tel: 718-997-3971 Email: |
Hemwatie Seusarran Public Safety Tel: 718-997-5912 Email: |
Irene Yu Yan Cheng Counseling Services Tel: 718-997-5420 Email: |
Child Development Center
The Child Development Center (CDC) is a licensed, campus-based program offering early care and education as well as after-school services to children 2.5 to 10 years of age.
Office Numbers: 718-997-5885 and 646-296-1999
Official Website:
Eric Urevich Executive Director Tel: 718-997-5886 Email: |
Nina Bautista Office Manager Tel: 718-997-5873 Email: |
College Association
Office Number: 718-997-3970
Location: Student Union, Lower Level 23
Official Website:
Sundas Aamir Administrative Coordinator |
College Now
The College Now Program prepares academically eligible high school students in their junior and senior years for success in college by offering them introductory-level college courses, taught by Queens College faculty on the college campus, at no cost to them or their families.
Office Number: 718-997-4297
Location: Delany Hall, Room 309
Official Website:
Marci Goodman Director Tel: 718-997-4299 Email: |
Committee for Disabled Students
Location: Kiely Hall, Room 175
Official Website:
Arturo Soto Committee for Students with Disabilities Chair |
Counseling Services
The mission of Counseling Services includes enhancing students’ academic, intellectual, personal, and social growth, as well as helping them clarify the values and ideals that guide their lives. Counseling Services gives special attention to students’ mental health, with the aim of alleviating painful symptoms, enhancing self-understanding and understanding of others, and fostering students’ pursuit of their goals. Counseling Services provides both individual and group counseling to all interested Queens College students. All services are confidential and free of charge.
Office Number: 718-997-5420
Location: Frese Hall, First Floor
Official Website:
Irene Yu Yan Cheng Associate Director |
CUNY EDGE (Educate, Develop, Graduate, Empower) is a partnership between the New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA) and the City University of New York. CUNY EDGE provides eligible students in pursuit of an undergraduate degree with a wide range of services, supplemental resources, and support needed to succeed in college and in their careers.
Office Number: 718-570-0602
Location: Kiely Hall 111
Official Website:
Meryl Mintzer CUNY EDGE Program Coordinator Tel: 718-570-0638 Email: |
Maylene Santiago Administrative Coordinator Tel: 718-570-0602 Email: |
Enrollment Services
The Office of Enrollment Services is responsible for providing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to Queens College staff, faculty, and administration via targeted student communication from the point of entry through graduation. Emails and event notifications to students are sent on behalf of individuals and departments on an ad-hoc, future, and recurring basis.
Renae Wooten
Office Number: 718-997-3012
Location: Kiely Hall, Room 183
Official Website:
Financial Aid
The Office of Financial Aid Services provides accurate and current information regarding the financial aid process and programs, and assists students in understanding and obtaining appropriate aid for which they are eligible.
Email: Submit Ticket: Fresh Service Portal
Location: Dining Hall, Room 128
Official Website:
Clifford Couloute Director |
Lisa Moy-Medina Associate Director/R2T4 Coordinator |
Shirley Xia Hong Associate Director/TAP Coordinator |
Health Services Center
The Health Services Center provides free or low-cost resources to help everyone in the Queens College community to achieve optimal well-being. The Health Services Center offers walk-in services which include first aid and medical assessments, consultations, referrals, as well as various health education programs.
Office Number: 718-997-2760
Location: Frese Hall, 3rd Floor
Official Website:
Terri Calhoun Nurse Tel: 718-997-5527 Email: |
Kalua Bolden Office Assistant Email: |
Housing & Residence Life (The Summit)
The Summit Apartments is located in the heart of campus between FitzGerald Gym and Rosenthal Library. Students live in an apartment-style residence hall, which provides them with a “home away from home” while studying at Queens College. The Summit Apartments is a stimulating and exceptionally affordable place to live, and it fosters a strong feeling of community and campus pride at Queens College. Living on campus eliminates the need for commuting as students can easily access locations on campus within minutes of leaving their room.
Office Number: 718-997-4881
Location: The Summit
Official Website:
Camille Shipman-McQueen Director of Housing and Residence Life Tel: 718-570-0309 Email: |
Barbara O’Neill Assistant Director of Operations Summit Apartments Tel: 718-570-0307 Email: |
Omari Miller Assistant Director of Residence Life Tel: 718-570-0308 Email: |
Immigrant Student Support Initiative
The Immigrant Student Support Initiative offers robust services to students, regardless of their immigration status. The expansive resource network available to students includes services offered by other administration offices at Queens College, CUNY Programs, and local nonprofits. Examples of potential referrals revolve around the need for legal expertise and mental health resources.
Location: King Hall, Room 213
Official Website:
Carla Cordova Farfan Immigration Student Support Initiative Program Coordinator Tel: 718-997-3934 Email: |
Judicial Affairs (Service Learning/Student Conduct)
The Office of Judicial Affairs and Student Conduct reviews matters related to code of conduct violations as well as academic integrity dishonesty. A student accused of violating any of these policies is allowed to resolve allegations made against them via a mediation meeting with an assigned student conduct officer. The student can accept responsibility for their violation during a mediation meeting or choose to take part in a hearing of the Faculty-Student Disciplinary Committee (FSDC). Students found in violation may face a number of sanctions, such as a warning, disciplinary probation, suspension, or a mandatory academic integrity course.
Office Number: 718-997-3970
Location: Student Union, Room 327
Official Website:
Emanuel Avila Associate Director for Judicial Affairs and Service Learning Tel: 718-997-3971 Email: |
Knight News - Student Newspaper
Location: Student Union, LL35
Official Website:
Holden Velasco Editor-in-Chief Location: Student Union, Room LL35 Email: |
Sammy Ali Managing Editor Location: Student Union, Room LL35 Email: |
Edwin DiGeromino Hernandez Executive Editor Location: Student Union, Room LL35 Email: |
Knights Table Food Pantry
The Knights Table Food Pantry provides free food and related items to students who face food insecurity and are in need of assistance. The pantry offers supplemental support; we do not offer all of the food students need, but strive to support them as best we can.
Office Number: 718-570-0393 and 718-997-3970
Location: Student Union, Lower Level 29
Official Website:
Arianna Livreri Associate Director for Civic Engagement & Knights Table Food Pantry |
Minority Affairs
Minority students are supported in their pursuit of academic success and personal development through varied programs and opportunities that include pre-professional advisement, coaching and mentoring, and counseling and referral for personal issues, among other services.
Office Number: 718-997-3970
Location: Student Union, Lower Level
Official Website:
Multi-Faith Organizations
Office Number: 718-997-5550
Location: Student Union, Room 207-208
QC Hub
The QC Hub is a centralized location where the customer service and enrollment-related functions of the Financial Aid and Registrar offices are provided with relative ease. You can come to us for any questions you may have regarding financial aid, registration or student records.
Contact: Fresh Service Ticket
Location: Dining Hall, Room 128
Official Website:
QC Pride
Office Number: 718-997-3952
Location: Student Union, Lower Level 23
Official Website:
JC Carlson Student Life Events Manager and LGBTQIAA+ Program Coordinator |
Queens School of Inquiry (QSI)
Queens School of Inquiry (QSI) is a CUNY Early College Initiative school that provides engaging, student-centered, mastery-based learning to all students in grades 6 through 12. Our inclusive environment, designed to support the whole child, prepares students to enter and successfully complete college early. Students at the Queens School of Inquiry have the opportunity to earn up to 62 tuition-free college credits at Queens College. A close collaboration with the college, the greater City University of New York, and our dedicated and expert teaching faculty helps us promote college and career readiness. We are a neighborhood school that emphasizes real-life applications in our effort to educate caring and ethical citizens.
Location: Klapper Hall 311
Suzanne Prabhu Director of Early College Liaison, Queens School of Inquiry Tel: 718-997-5217 Email: |
The Office of the Registrar provides services pertaining to declaration of major, graduation, diploma, Degree Works, transcripts, grading, registration, permits, and management of personal data.
Contact: Fresh Service Ticket
Location: Dining Hall, Room 128
Official Website:
Jomy George Registrar |
Elizabeth D’Amico-Ramirez Associate Registrar |
Percy E. Sutton SEEK (Search for Elevation, Education & Knowledge) Program
Launched in 1966, The Percy E. Sutton SEEK (Search for Elevation, Education and Knowledge) Program is designed to reach qualified high school students who might not attend college otherwise. The program starts during the summer with intensive college prep workshops for students. During their first year, SEEK participants are organized into learning communities—groups who take at least three courses together and develop their own informal support network. Supplemental Instruction covers first year and some upper-level courses; free tutoring along with upper-level writing and STEM consultation are available to students from admission to graduation. Targeted leadership development opportunities are offered to all students along with support groups participation. Staff counselors help students with college advising and address personal, social, financial aid, and career prep concerns.
Office Number: 718-997-3100
Location: Delany Hall, Room 128
Official Website:
Norka Blackman-Richards Director Email: |
Special Services for Students with Disabilities
The Office of Special Services for Students with Disabilities is dedicated to providing accommodations and supportive services to all students with disabilities. This includes accessibility to all assistive technology, academic and social activities on campus, and to teach self-advocacy for their success at Queens College and leadership roles in society.
Office Number: 718-997-5870
Location: Kiely Hall, Room 108
Official Website:
Mirian Detres-Hickey Director of Special Services Tel: 718-997-5871 Email: |
Gail Reischer Disabilities Specialist Tel: 718-997-5870 Email: |
Lucia Garris Karaminas TRIO Grant Director Tel: 718-997-5870 Email: |
Wahidur Roni Disability Accommodation Specialist Tel: 718-997-5870 Email: |
Student Association
Location: Student Union, Room 319
Official Website:
William Barron Student Association President |
Brandon Adam Student Association Vice President |
Student Development & Leadership
The Office of Student Development and Leadership (OSDL) engages members of the Queens College community in cultivating and sustaining a culture of lifelong leadership development through training and education. Our office presents students with the opportunities for curricular learning, intentional engagement, self-reflection, and skills development.
Office Number: 718-997-3970
Location: Student Union, Lower Level 23
Official Website:
Craig Blodgett Interim Director of Student Development and Leadership |
Kya Simmons Associate Director of Student Development and Leadership |
Arianna Livreri Associate Director of for Civic Engagement & Knights Table Food Pantry |
Kristin Berkey Assistant Director of Student Development and Leadership |
JC Carlson Student Life Events Manager and LGBTQIAA+ Program Coordinator |
Stephanie Urena Administrative Coordinator |
Student Emergency Programs (Emergency Loans, Grants, Book Vouchers)
Maylene Santiago
College Assistant
Telephone: 718-997-5500 Email:
Location: Student Union, Room 327
Official Website:
Veteran & Military Support Services
Queens College welcomes and supports veterans, military personnel, and their dependents on campus. Veteran and Military Support Services is dedicated to fostering a sense of community and developing a channel of communication among veteran, military personnel, and dependent students with QC faculty, administration, and staff.
Telephone: 718-997-5539 Email:
Location: Student Union, Room 320
Official Website:
Dennis Torres Associate Director for Veterans and Military Support Services/ROTC Liaison Email: |
Carlos A. Garzon School Certifying Official Email: |
Alexandra Venezian Academic Advisor Email: |