A person reaching out to grab a book from a shelf.

Post-Master’s Advance Certificate in Librarianship 

The program leading to the Certificate in Post-Master’s Studies in Librarianship is designed for graduate library/information service professionals who want to improve their competencies in present positions or to prepare for new positions as administrators, subject specialists, information officers, or technical specialists in libraries and related organizations, including media, educational resources, information and referral centers.

The one-to-three-year, 30-credit program will be designed by each student with a faculty member in accordance with the curriculum described in the Bulletin. An integral part of the program will be a major research or investigatory project in the student’s field of interest. The program is registered by the New York State Education Department.

Admissions at a Glance
Fall Deadline April 1
Spring Deadline November 1
Extended Deadline June 30
Letters of Reference 3
Essay 500 Words
PTE 68
Accepts Non-Matric Yes

Requirements for Matriculation

These requirements are in addition to the general requirements for matriculation.

  1. A master’s degree in Library/Information Studies from an ALA-accredited program
  2. A minimum of two years of professional experience in library/information services or evidence of highly specialized needs that warrant advanced studies
  3. An interview with a GSLIS representative
  4. A 500-word statement of the candidate’s professional objectives, specifying his/her special needs or interests
  5. Three letters of reference from library/information service professionals and/or instructors in library/information studies

Deadlines may be extended further if spaces remain in the program.

Requirements for Non-Matriculation

Students are to follow the college’s requirements for non-matriculation​.