Nutrition & Exercise Science: Bachelor of Science (BS)
People in modern societies often have health issues linked to poor diet and exercise habits, a problem that is costly in both economic and human terms. The degree in Nutrition & Exercise Sciences prepares students for careers in the maintenance of cardiovascular health and fitness through healthy diets and regular physical activity.
The curriculum combines core courses with biology, chemistry, and statistics coursework. Graduates go on to work in corporate- and hospital-based programs in health, cardiovascular fitness, wellness, and cardiac rehabilitation; community-based programs for adults and senior citizens; and adult health and fitness programs in health clubs, adult education centers, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation centers, and preventative health agencies.
Office Information
Location: Remsen Hall 306
Phone: 718-997-4475
Fax: 718-997-4163
Admissions at a Glance
Degree(s) Offered:
Bachelor of Science (BS)